Rings in the left ear - a sign

In which ear does it ring? This question is often heard from people, and there are many. After all, ringing in my ears - at least a couple of times in my life - visited everyone. It means ringing without a specific reason, when in fact a person is in silence.

They tried to explain this phenomenon in ancient times. There was, for example, a belief that is ringing in the ear, because a person feels some earthly vibrations or hears a sound heard by someone close to him.

Sign - rings in the left ear

There are also explanations of this phenomenon among the people. For example, if it rings in the left ear, the folk sign says that someone will scold someone or he will hear bad news. On the contrary, if the ringing in the right ear is praised or the news will be good.

Doctors have a completely different opinion about why it rings in the left ear (as, indeed, in the right one). They believe that ringing in the ears can be a symptom of a serious illness.

If the ring in the left ear, the reasons can be different, but mostly unpleasant. First, it can talk about high blood pressure, like ringing in the right ear or in both ears. If the ring in the left ear constantly, and this is accompanied by nausea, pain in the heart, flashing "flies", this can mean a hypertensive crisis. It is best to call an ambulance immediately. The same applies to ringing in the right ear.

Secondly, it can be some kind of disease of ENT organs. With such things, too, jokes are bad. You can lose hearing on one or, in severe cases, on both ears. And if this ringing turns out to be a symptom of purulent otitis, then it's even worse. With purulent otitis for a while there may not be pain and heat. But there is a source of infection. The abscess can break out as outward (which can lead to partial or complete deafness), but can inside that can cause meningitis . And this is even worse.

There may be less dangerous causes of ringing in the ear, but it can not be determined on their own! So the question of what it means, if it often rings in the left ear, has only one answer: go for a consultation with a doctor!