Cancer of the duodenum - the first symptoms

In the early stages it is difficult to detect almost any malignant tumor, since it does not manifest itself until it reaches a large size or prevents metastasis in neighboring tissues. One of the most difficult for differential diagnosis is duodenal cancer - the first symptoms are virtually indistinguishable from oncological neoplasms of the pancreas, other parts of the intestine and common bile ducts. In addition, this type of cancer is rarely primary, it often develops due to the germination of tumors of nearby organs.

Symptoms of duodenal cancer at an early stage

Malignant neoplasm grows very slowly and may not manifest itself for several years and even decades. In rare cases, patients note periodic heartburn , mild nausea, changes in appetite. But, as a rule, these signs are not associated with duodenal cancer, they are attributed to less dangerous pathologies of the digestive tract, for example, gastritis or colitis, peptic ulcer.

In the future, the following symptoms of cancer:

As you can see, any early clinical manifestations of this type of tumor are common to many other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

The first specific signs of duodenal cancer

Features of the considered pathology are 3 symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome. Because of the growth of the tumor, the nerve roots are squeezed. As a result, pain in epigastrium and right hypochondrium is felt, irradiating in the lower back and back.
  2. Mechanical jaundice. Pathological process occurs due to occlusion of the bile duct. In addition to changing the shade of the skin, the feces become lighter, and the urine darkens.
  3. Itching of the skin. The symptom is observed immediately after the onset of jaundice. It is provoked by an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, as well as irritation of the skin's receptors with bile acid.