Acetone in urine - what should I fear?

The human body in the process of vital activity produces some toxins that are excreted as waste. One of such substances are acetones. They are ketone bodies, formed with incomplete splitting of proteins (protein compounds) and fats.

Acetone in urine - what does it mean?

The toxin under consideration is constantly released by the body. In an acceptable amount, it is excreted by exhalation, sweating and urination, and its concentration in these processes is minimal. Acetonuria is the excess of the normal volume of ketone bodies in the body. This condition is an intoxication, which can provoke serious complications.

Acetone in urine causes

For proper functioning, the body needs energy, it receives it by processing carbohydrates. In case of their deficiency, a mechanism of self-preservation or gluconeogenesis is triggered: splitting of the stock of own fats and proteins. This process is accompanied by the release of ketone bodies. If their concentration remains within normal limits, they are removed without consequences. When the amount of toxins is greater than the body can produce, acetonuria arises - the causes of pathology always consist in an excess of ketone bodies due to a lack of carbohydrates.

The main factor provoking the development of the described state is considered to be the wrong diet:

Sometimes acetone in the urine appears for other reasons:

Acetone in urine with diabetes mellitus

The presented problem is a characteristic sign of insulin deficiency for the breakdown of carbohydrates. Most often, acetone is found in urine with type 1 diabetes in the decompensation stage. When detecting this pathology, it is important to immediately turn to a specialist and stop the intoxication of the body with ketone bodies. Otherwise, a diabetic coma may occur.

Acetonuria in kidney disease

This disorder is often used as a diagnostic criterion for detecting pathologies of the urinary system. Elevated acetone in urine may indicate the following diseases:

How to determine acetone in urine?

To assess the concentration of ketone bodies in the body, laboratory and home methods of research are used. The most reliable is the standard clinical analysis of a biological fluid. The independent determination of acetone in the urine is performed by means of special devices in the form of paper strips. They can be purchased one by one at any pharmacy.

Urine test for acetone

The chosen method of diagnosis is carried out according to generally accepted rules. Sequencing:

  1. In the morning, do not pee, bathe in warm water without using soap.
  2. Collect urine in a dry and sterile container. The container must be purchased in advance.
  3. Tighten the lid tightly, write your data on the sticker.
  4. Transfer the biological material to the laboratory.

According to the results of the study, acetone in the analysis of urine should not be present. The concentration of ketone bodies in a healthy organism is so meager that it is not taken into account when calculating them. Sometimes a doctor prescribes a repeat analysis, this is necessary to confirm a preliminary diagnosis, to exclude a false positive result against a background of errors in the diet.

Test strips for determination of acetone in urine

This variant of the study is less reliable than the clinical analysis, because it does not reflect the exact concentration of ketone bodies in the biological fluid. For home diagnosis, you will need at least three test strips for acetone in the urine, which must be used 3 days in a row. Apply these devices simply, you need only a clean container:

  1. Collect material in container. Better determine acetone in the morning urine, so the test is recommended to perform after waking.
  2. Immerse the strip in liquid for the time specified in the instructions.
  3. Remove the device, shake off any excess drops.
  4. To study the color that the zone with the applied reagent acquired. If the strip became pink, acetone is slightly larger than the allowable amount. When the hue is bright and saturated, closer to the red-violet color, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Acetone in urine is the norm

In a healthy body, up to 0.5 mmol / l ketone bodies per day is produced. Such scanty values ​​are rarely indicated in the laboratories, so in the results of the analysis a "-" sign is placed opposite the corresponding graph. A positive test for acetone in urine can have 4 designations:

Acetone in urine - symptoms

A large number of toxic compounds in the body has signs similar to poisoning. High acetone - symptoms:

If acetone in the urine arrives, intoxication intensifies:

Acetone in urine - treatment

Therapy of the described problem is developed depending on the cause of the pathology. It is important to find out why acetonuria arose - the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked an increase in the concentration of ketone bodies. General therapeutic measures:

  1. Correct the diet.
  2. Prevent dehydration. It is recommended to drink clean water, at least 1.5 liters per day. To restore the liquid-salt balance, special solutions also help, for example, Regidron or Oralit.
  3. Purify the body of toxins. Quickly stop the symptoms of poisoning will allow enterosorbents - activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel.
  4. Reduce intellectual and physical stress.
  5. Go through all the examinations that the doctor will prescribe for differential diagnosis. If the results of tests reveal that the pathological condition has caused diabetes mellitus, kidney disease or other diseases, begin to treat the cause of intoxication.

Acetone in urine - diet

To restore the energy balance and make up the shortage of carbohydrates helps to properly compile the menu. What to do if the acetone in the urine is higher than normal, the doctor will say, in addition the specialist will advise a correct diet. Recommended products:

When acetone in urine is found in extremely high concentrations, it is necessary to exclude from the menu: