Pathogenetic therapy

The main goal of pathogenetic therapy is activation of protective forces, restoration of impaired functions, normalization of the metabolic process and immune reactivity.

Principles of pathogenetic therapy

This approach to the treatment of patients is based on the phenomenon of excessive formation of abnormal proteins or inadequate production of a normal enzyme. This leads to the formation of a gene that destroys the body. Knowledge of the principles of development of the mutant gene, allows to develop methods of treatment. With an excess of the gene, it is removed, otherwise - they fill the deficit.

Types of pathogenetic therapy

Correction of enzymes in the body can be carried out in such ways:

  1. Hemosorption and plasmapheresis involve the removal of plasma, which contains toxic substances. For example, plasmapheresis is used to purify the blood of excess phytic acid and lipids.
  2. Dietotherapy is based on reducing the intake of any substances in the body.
  3. Metabolic inhibition is the introduction of drugs that stop the synthesis of metabolites accumulated during the course of the disease.
  4. Correction of the metabolic process by introducing gene products is the key way of treating the organism in the absence of certain substances in it.

Preparations of pathogenetic therapy

The means used in pathogenetic therapy include:

Pathogenetic therapy of tuberculosis

In the treatment of tuberculosis, this therapy is mandatory. Its observance allows to restore the metabolism, the cause of which is the breakdown of protein, a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism and excessive consumption of vitamins.

Patients are prescribed etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy, which include taking such drugs: