Levomekol - analogues

Levomekol ointment has not lost its demand in the medical field for a long time due to its availability and high efficiency. The composition of this tool includes two active components - chloramphenicol, which has antibacterial properties, and methyluracil, which has a reparative, regenerating effect on the affected tissue. Basically, this ointment is used in the treatment of purulent wounds (the first phase of the wound process), burns, trophic ulcers , pustular rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Analogues of Levomecol ointment for wound healing

There are situations when a medicament prescribed by the attending physician is absent from the pharmacy, and as a substitute for the necessary medicine, pharmacists can offer analogues that can have a similar therapeutic effect in the treatment of a particular pathology. With the permission of the doctor, treatment with analogues of the prescribed medicine can be performed. Also, analogues of medicines are often used when patients develop allergic reactions to the components of the prescribed drug or the presence of individual intolerance. Levomekol ointment has several analogues, which can be divided into groups.

Direct analogues (preparations-synonyms)

These drugs, containing the same substances as Levomekol, are chemical compounds. Such preparations are:

Indirect analogues

These are drugs that have a similar effect and the same indications for use, but include other active ingredients in their formulation. These drugs include the following drugs:

  1. Ointment Levosin - contains four active components: chloramphenicol, methyluracil, sulfadimethoxin, trimecaine. Two of them are also present in the composition Levomecol (chloramphenicol, methyluracil), sulfadimethoxine has antibacterial properties, and trimecaine has a pronounced long-term anesthetic effect.
  2. Protegentin ointment - includes active components such as gentamycin sulfate and erythromycin (broad-spectrum antibiotics), as well as protease "C" - a proteolytic enzyme C, which facilitates rapid purification of wounds from pus, dissolution of necrosis areas, acceleration of reparative processes.
  3. Ointment Streptonitol - is based on active substances such as streptocide, which has an antimicrobial effect, as well as nitazole, which has an antiprotozoal effect.
  4. Ointment Fastin 1 - contains antibacterial substances furatsilin and shintomitsin, as well as substance benzocaine, which has a superficial analgesic effect.
  5. Ichthyol ointment is produced on the basis of the organic compound ichtamol, which is able to exert anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effects on tissues, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  6. Ointment Vishnevsky - a drug based on birch tar, xerobes and castor oil, which in complex have on the tissues antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, resorptive action, help to remove purulent masses from the wound, stimulate restorative processes in tissues.

Cheap analogs of the Levomecol ointment

If you need to choose an analogue of Levomecol ointment cheaper, you should pay attention to its synonym Levosin, which is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company and costs about two to three times less. Cheaper drugs are also ointment Levosin, Ointment Vishnevsky . However, it is worth remembering that in all cases, the prescribed drug can be replaced by analogues, so you should always consult a doctor.