Signs on monthly

In the old days, people marked a variety of phenomena and associated them with subsequent events. They did not pass by their attention and women's cycles. So people's signs were born on monthly basis.

Signs associated with the beginning of monthly

The main part will take on the monthly linked to the day of their start. If the bleeding started on Monday - it was bothersome and troublesome, which could be both pleasant and not too much. The beginning of monthly on Tuesday - to changes in life, pleasant acquaintances or renewal of relations . When the first day of the cycle, the environment is an unpleasant event, which, however, should end with the beginning of the next month. If the onset of menstruation occurred on Thursday, signs predicted a visit to visit. Monthly began on Friday - this is to receive news, on Saturday - to fulfill desires and love confessions, on Sunday - to fun and luck throughout the month.

Folk superstitions and signs on monthly

In villages, women with menstruation were considered "unclean". They were forbidden to go to church, swim in the river, plant and water plants, look at stripped people, tk. it threatened with various misfortunes for other inhabitants of the village. A woman in the period of menstruation was often freed from domestic trouble, as the household noted that these days she was worse prepared and was more absent-minded and inaccurate. Although the logically salted and pereprochennye dishes can be explained by the fact that a woman during menstruation changes taste sensations.

If the bride's wedding day starts on a monthly basis, it was a bad sign, because the children born in this marriage were doomed to a hard life and troubles. To eliminate the adverse influence, the bride was to go to the hen house in the evening, stand under the roost and say: "The hens got married without blood, and I with blood. Go, trouble, not on my children, but on chickens. May it be so".

The woman, whose menstruation began on the full moon, the villagers feared, as the sign said that she possessed "The evil eye." From her eyes hid children, husbands, livestock and everything else that she could jinx.

In some cases, menstrual blood served as a guard for villagers, for example, during a fire. If there was a threat of flinging fire from one house to another, looking for a woman with menstruation and told her to run around the burning house three times. It was believed that the evil forces after this rite could not inflate the fire and transfer fire to neighboring houses.

To protect her house from evil spells, the hostess was ordered to sprinkle the doorframes of the front door with menstrual blood. But it was necessary to be cautious if another woman with menstruation will step on the mistress's blood, the latter could have a heavy bleeding.