Iodine from unwanted hair

Who first began to use iodine from unwanted hair, it is difficult to say. In our country this remedy became popular in times of total deficit in the USSR, when other methods of epilation became either too expensive, like shugaring , or generally inaccessible. Some women have adapted to remove hair on the body with a thread or tweezers, but in time and degree of soreness these methods can hardly be attributed to successful ones. But iodine against unwanted hair used was quite convenient. Another thing that is not always effective - most national recipes are hidden many nuances.

How to do hair removal with iodine?

Get rid of the vegetation on the body once and for all - the cherished dream of many women. Frequent shaving tires, hair removal is painfully and significantly worsens the appearance of the skin, causes ingrown hairs. That is why the methods of burning a hair bulb with the help of chemicals such as potassium permanganate, walnut juice and many others, including hair removal with iodine, have long been popular. The probability of getting a burn during the procedure is quite high, but even this did not diminish the number of people who wanted to try the method on themselves.

So, here are the main advantages of using iodine from unwanted hair on the body:

In order for this tool to work, you should also adhere to certain conditions:

  1. Before applying the solution to the skin, it is necessary to steam it thoroughly and shave off, or otherwise remove all the hairs. This allows you to open access to the follicle.
  2. Since most hair follicles are in the sleep phase, and not in the growth phase, the procedure should be carried out regularly for several months.
  3. It is desirable to apply iodine pointwise to reduce the degree of skin trauma.

The recipe for iodine from unwanted hair

In the composition of iodine-based agents, other ingredients are usually present. After analyzing several recipes, we considered the most effective and safe of them the one in which it is proposed to use iodine and ammonia at the same time from unwanted hair.


Preparation and use

Mix all these ingredients in a glass container, pour into a container that can be closed with a lid. After 3-4 hours, the remedy should change the color to a lighter one - from that moment it can be used without fear that the skin will turn orange. Apply the formulation on the skin in the morning and in the evening with a cotton pad, allowing the solution to completely absorb. Make sure that the hair on the area you are working with does not grow longer than 1 mm.

The first course of procedures is 2 weeks. Part of the hair during this period must be thinned and fall out from the root. Take a break for 1 week, then again do a series on the use of funds for 2 weeks. Alternate treatment courses and rest courses for at least six months, until you get rid of all unwanted hair.

Since many women have an increased sensitivity to iodine and ammonia, there are certain recommendations on the use of this recipe:

  1. Be sure to perform a sensitivity test - apply the compound to the back of the hand and wait 3 hours. If during this time there was no irritation and redness, you can safely use the recipe.
  2. Use the product in a spacious, well-ventilated area so that the ammonia vapor does not affect the body.