How is eyebrow tattoo done?

The problem of rare irregular eyebrows today is solved quite quickly and simply with the help of tattooing. This technique allows you to make eyebrows of any color and shape, and its convenience is that a woman can forget about the correction of this part of the face for a long time - from one year.

Preliminary training and types of eyebrow tattooing

Preparation for eyebrow tattooing takes longer than the procedure itself, because it includes:

Contraindications to permanent make-up

Before you make eyebrow tattoo, you should exclude the presence of the following diseases:

With such diseases, tattooing is prohibited.

Also there is a list of diseases in which permanent make-up is undesirable:

Choosing a shape for eyebrow tattoos

The master can make tattoo of completely different shapes : starting from classical brows, and ending with fantasy, with a high break or wide "spread".

Of course, it is better to stop the choice on the average thickness and natural form given by nature. The wider the line of the eyebrows, the more unnatural the tattoo can look, in fact, just like the "thread".

Color of paint for eyebrow tattoo

Despite the fact that this procedure is called "permanent make-up" , nevertheless, it is its light form. The fact is that the paint used does not stick into the skin as much as the paint does for tattoos designed for life. Therefore, before choosing a paint, you need to take into account that it will not be as saturated on the skin with time as in a tube.

When choosing a color, you should consider that, for example, when tattooing eyebrows for blondes and brown-haired women, one should try to choose a color for several tones darker than the hair. For brunettes the rule works in the opposite direction - the color of the eyebrows should be 1 tone lighter or tone in tone.

Preliminary preparation of eyebrows

Before starting the tattoo procedure, the master should treat the eyebrow area with a disinfectant, put on sterile gloves and check the purity of the device, and also learn from the client about the presence of diseases that prohibit tattooing.

Here's how to tattoo your eyebrows:

  1. After the shape and color of the future eyebrows are selected, the master starts to work: first, he uses an indelible marker to outline the borders of his eyebrows.
  2. Then, with the help of a needle tool with paint, the master paints the hairs without leaving the borders marked by the marker.
  3. In the third step, the eyebrow region is treated with anesthesia to reduce the pain effect. The anesthetic is presented in the form of a gel, a few drops of which are applied only to the "work area" - the line of eyebrows. With the help of a cotton swab the master distributes the product evenly.
  4. After the anesthesia has worked, the master again begins to draw the hairs. Professionalism here is to get a drawing tool in the lines that were drawn for the first time. Draw the hairs several times in order to make them smooth and as natural as possible. The master repeats the last two items about 4 times: the number of sketches depends on how the pigment appears in the skin.
  5. The final stage of each painting is the erasure of the paint: the master takes a cotton disc moistened with an antibacterial agent that does not contain alcohol, and spends several times on the growth of the eyebrows, and against their growth, to erase the paint left on the surface of the skin.

Eyebrow care after tattooing

After tattooing is done, crusts form on the eyebrows, and until they fall off, you can not sunbathe, and also visit the pool. Any chemical means should be used in a minimum amount so that the paint does not react.

Also, many are interested in the question of how to make a brighter eyebrow tattoo, because after the procedure the eyebrows have a rich color. To make them brighter, nothing to do is not necessary, over time, the paint itself will fade and the color will become more natural.

If a lot of time has passed since the creation of the tattoo, and the color is still too saturated, then it can only be remedied by a master using a new tattoo. Independently brighten eyebrows folk remedies is highly discouraged.

How long does eyebrow tattoo last?

Permanent make-up lasts long enough - from one year to five years. It depends on the way of life (for example, if you often visit a solarium or sunbathe in the sun, the paint will fade faster), as well as from a facial care scheme. With frequent use of scrubs and peelings, the pigment will fade faster, and the procedure will need to be repeated again.