Shampoo with tar

Seborrhea and psoriasis of the scalp are the main causes of intense dandruff. Fight not only the systemic medications, but also cosmetic preparations, for example, shampoo with tar. The active component of such products can be different: coal, birch, pine, juniper. In addition, other effective compounds are added to such shampoos.

Therapeutic shampoos with tar against dandruff

In the light stages of dry or oily seborrhoea , the following cosmetic products are recommended:

For more complex cases, tar and ketoconazole or zinc shampoos are recommended:

Cosmetic shampoos based on tar

Even in the absence of dandruff, the described hair care products are very useful. They help to regulate the work of sebaceous glands in the scalp, relieve the excess fatty strands.

Good caring shampoos with tar: