Pearl blond

Do you want a bright and iridescent light shade of hair ? Try to dye your hair in a pearl blond. This color is suitable for almost all girls, as it perfectly matches any skin color and eyes, except black.

Professional Pearl Blond Paint

In professional palettes, hair coloring pearl blond is usually labeled x / 8 or x / x8. For example, in the palette of Londa, the Professional (Londa Professional) has several such shades:

A beautiful pearl blond will come out if you use ILLUMINA paint. In the palette of this manufacturer there are two such shades - a light golden-pearl blond (No. 8/38) and a bright golden-pearl blond (No. 10/38). For those who prefer professional dye products, the Estel Essex paint is also suitable. In the palette of this brand there are two saturated pearly colors - ashy (No. 9/18) and light blond (No. 10/8).

Trademark Matrix produces a palette of shades of Sokolor. It has two pearl colors - a light blond (No. 8P) and a very light blond (No. 10P). Also a rich and beautiful light pearl color is in the paint palette of Estelle Celebrity (No. 10-6) and Cutrin Reflection Demi (No. 0.06).

Pearl blond paint for home use

To dye your hair in a light or light brown pearl blond, you can apply and paint for home use. The most popular are the following shades:

Tonic № 9.05 - a tinted balm of pearl blond color, which will give the hair a delicate, appetizing and light shade with pearly tint. This tool will allow your locks to shine glossy shine, but just a few times after washing your head, they will regain their former color.

How to dye your hair in a pearly blond?

Not every girl knows how to properly color your hair in a pearl blond. Simply by applying the paint to the curls, you will not only harm them, but also risk getting an ugly yellow or red tinge. If you have dark hair, you need before applying a pearl-colored paint, to carry out several procedures for clarification. Special wash compositions will completely remove the dark pigment and the coloring agent will lie flat.

Are you a painted brunette? Before moving to the blond, you can not dye your hair for 4 months. It is during this time that the dark pigment will be washed off the hair, and it will be much easier for you to paint them in a light shade. If your hair is light brown or light red, use a paint with three or six percent ammonia. It is necessary that all the curls are stained evenly. Those who do not like the result of lightening, you need to buy a dye with a lower content of ammonia and dye your hair again.

Do not forget that the tips are hard to color into the desired color. They are in most cases much darker than the roots. They must either be cut off or discolored separately from the roots. With discoloration, hair often acquires a yellow tinge. It can be removed with a tinge of ashy shade. Dilute it and rinse your hair. It is quickly washed off, so this procedure should be repeated periodically.