How to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi?

Cough, in fact, is a reflex exhalation, which is designed to clean the respiratory tract from foreign elements. In addition, cough often becomes a symptom of a disease such as bronchitis.

Cough and sputum in the bronchi

In the normal state, the internal surface of the bronchi and lungs is covered with a special secretory fluid that moisturizes and protects these organs from stimuli and pathogens. If an inflammation occurs, the composition of this secretion changes and swelling may occur. While listening to a phonendoscope, various noises can be seen, which indicate a violation of the passage of air in the bronchi due to accumulated mucus. More often, with the formation of sputum, a moist cough appears. Sometimes it happens that the mucus (sputum in the bronchi) has a thick and viscous consistency. A dry and barking cough is observed.

Medications and procedures for excretion of sputum

For the treatment of sputum in the bronchi, an expectorant is prescribed. As a rule, these are medicines that can dilute and stimulate the excretion of phlegm, such as:

In hospitals, stimulation of the excretion of sputum from the bronchi is performed with the help of inhalations:

Elimination of sputum with the help of traditional medicine recipes

In order to effectively withdraw sputum from the bronchi, one should take such measures as the creation of additional humidification in the room. You can use special apparatus to humidify the air, hang wet towels. In addition, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed, which will help dilute the viscous secretion. Well warmed milk with soda, mineral water and herbal infusions helps.

For the preparation of decoctions you can use:

To clear the bronchi from sputum, you can apply such an option as a mixture of black juice is rare with honey. For this:

  1. Finely chop the radish.
  2. Mix it with honey.
  3. Let the mixture steep for several hours. During this time, a liquid is formed, which should be taken.

In addition, it is recommended to perform respiratory gymnastics and special massage.