Feeling of a coma in the throat

Many people turn to different doctors with a sensation of a coma in the throat. A sudden and seemingly unreasonable appearance of such symptoms often occurs after severe stress. And then it repeats itself in less nervous situations. Unpleasant feelings can be accompanied by a feeling of persecution, burning and even suffocation. Discomfort is very different. In this case, the ailment can affect other parts of the body.

Causes of a constant sensation of a coma in the throat

Experts identify several main causes of the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the throat:

  1. ENT diseases. It can be a pharyngitis, a laryngitis and not completely cured an angina. In addition, this group includes all other inflammatory processes that affect the larynx and upper respiratory tract.
  2. Thyroid problems. An increase in this organ or a change in structure often leads to a sensation of a coma in the throat.
  3. Illnesses of the nervous system. Problems can arise as a result of severe stress or depression that lasts for a long time. In such situations, unpleasant feelings often occur in different parts of the body, one of which is often the neck.
  4. The sensation of a coma in the throat also appears with osteochondrosis. This disease affects the joints, which in turn affects the various sectors of the body, jamming the nerve endings. This symptom is one of the first.
  5. Digestive problems. Difficult swallowing can occur as a result of hypersensitivity to the esophagus or a decrease in its activity.

Feeling of a coma in the throat when swallowing or after eating

Similar symptoms occur not only because of the above mentioned reasons, but also in other cases:

  1. Vegetosovascular dystonia. Sometimes this particular ailment serves as the basis for the appearance of unpleasant sensations. Especially when the condition worsens with peptic ulcer, ischemia of the heart or asthma. In the case of hyperventilation syndrome, dry mouth is observed, the tongue may become numb. Treatment involves the rejection of physical and emotional stress, the elimination of hypodynamia, the transition to proper nutrition.
  2. Throat cancer. It is accompanied by a dry cough, a change in voice and a hint. Treatment of laryngeal cancer is possible. Which way - the oncologist determines.

Sometimes unpleasant feelings appear as a result of other factors:

Feeling of a coma in the throat and lack of air

Similar symptoms are attributed to psychogenic conditions. In other words, there is no physical cause that makes swallowing or breathing difficult. It is due to severe stress.

Against this background, from time to time there are panic attacks, which cause suffocation. Usually it is connected with certain places - it can be a bus, metro or any other public transport.

For full-fledged treatment it is recommended to consult a psychologist.

How to get rid of the sensation of a coma in the throat?

Treatment of such symptoms is always prescribed, given the causes of the onset. So, for example, if the ailment is caused by problems with the upper respiratory tract, rinse with warm water with salt, soda or iodine.

Eliminate tonsillitis symptoms by dissolving candies from sore throats and using sprays.

In most cases, eliminating symptoms is not a solution. For this it is necessary to completely cure the disease, which proved to be similar signs. This will help the appropriate specialist, who first directs the patient to take complex tests, to find out the cause and stage of the ailment.