How to salt a Chechon?

Chekhon belongs to the family of carp, widely distributed throughout Russia. Despite the fact that it is not a very large fish, and its average length is 20 to 25 cm, and weight is about 200-500 g, it is worth noting its culinary virtues. Therefore, in this article, we will consider how to pickle and cook a Chechon.



Salting fish of different sizes

Small, medium and large fish are salted differently. Everyone knows the expression "The fish is rotting from the head". That such did not happen, it is recommended to remove fish eyes. By the way, then it will be more convenient to hang it dry.

A small fish (up to 500 g) can be salted entirely. For 30 fish, take about a kilogram of salt. This proportion is considered optimal. If the salt is too much, the fish will turn out to be "wooden", if not enough, it can deteriorate. Salt is better to take a large stone. Small fish should be mixed in a basin with salt, then put in dense rows in a special container for pickling. Top with a layer of salt, cover and put under pressure. A brick or something heavy will do.

Middle fishes (from 500 to 800 g) are recommended to gut before salting. Then they are thoroughly washed, then rubbed with salt. Particular attention should be paid to the head and gills. Put in a bowl for pickling, you can in several layers. Each row is poured with salt. The top layer of salt is done more than others.

Large specimens (from 800 grams) are carefully gutted, removing all the insides. After that you need to thoroughly wash the fish, rub it with salt, be sure to fill salt in the gills. Then the fish are also stacked in rows, possibly in several layers. Each layer must be separated from the other salt, then necessarily fill the top with salt. The top layer of salt should be slightly larger than the rest.

Nuances salting Czechoslovakia

Immediately after you put the fish in a container for pickling and covered with something heavy on top, it should be transferred to a cool place. It can be a refrigerator or a cellar. In marching conditions it can be coastal sand with running water, always in the shade.

Small fish salted 1 - 2 days, average - 2-3 days, and large will be ready in 3 days. After the salmon is salted, the fish should be thoroughly rinsed with mucus. After that, drain excess water, and hang in a draft to dry.

The place for drying should be chosen responsibly - the fish should not fall under direct sunlight, at the same time should be in a draft. It is better to do this in the evening - for the night the fish will dry up, so the flies will not bother you much. Hang the fish can be dried by the head or by the tail. To hang a tail is better than fatty fish, which dries badly - excess fat will flow out. If you decide to hang the Chekhon by the head, then the internal fat will be absorbed into the meat, which will make the fish more oily. Such a chekhon is very suitable for beer.

Checheon, cooked according to these recipes, can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Keep it in a paper bag, or wrapped in culinary paper. This packing allows the fish to "breathe" and not to spoil for a long time.

Useful properties of Chekhov

Chechnya contains a lot of fish oil , which is extremely useful. In addition, the Czech contains vitamins B, a rare vitamin PP that regulates the activity of the nervous system and is responsible for the production of hormones that break down fat. In addition, the Czech contains zinc, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, chromium and chlorine. These trace elements are involved in the regulation of the body's activity, but practically do not come to us with food. Chechnya will help the body to replenish nutrient reserves. Calorie content of Chekhoni is quite high - 245 kcal per 100 g, but this should not be feared. High-calorie fish oil contains a lot of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which the body needs to fight aging. At the same time, they are not put off at the waist.