How to plant a rose from a bouquet?

Many women love roses very much. Therefore, often men present their second half to them. After all, this flower is rightly called the queen of flowers and is a symbol of love .

A real flower girl will necessarily want to plant a rose from the received bouquet, and how this can be done, we will tell in this article.

Selection of planting material

The same evening, as you were congratulated with a bouquet of roses, you must decide whether you want to breed them or not. Since it is necessary to start rooting no later than a day.

To choose the most suitable flower, it is necessary to pay attention to the following signs:

Roses donated in spring and summer are rooted better than in autumn and winter, but there is always a chance to grow a new flower in this way.

How to grow roses from a bouquet?

Before you start rooted roses from the bouquet, you need to cut all the flowers on the stem. Then we proceed to cut it into cuttings.

Each of them should be at least 15 cm long and have 2 eyes (kidneys). The upper cut is made exactly 1 cm above the first kidney. It must be sealed with melted wax or paraffin. And at the bottom the cutting is cut at 45 ° and is put there for 24 hours in a solution of any drug that stimulates the growth of the roots. Leaves and thorns must be completely removed, leaving only the upper ones, cut off by half. Now you can start landing.

Planting cuttings of roses from a bouquet

First you need to prepare a container. It can be a pot or box. At its bottom lay drainage , then a layer of river sand, and then we pour fertile, but light soil.

We insert the stalk of sharp ends into the ground, so that on the surface there is an upper kidney with leaves. To accelerate the process of rooting, the planted stem should be covered with a plastic bottle or a glass jar to create a greenhouse effect.

In the future, the rose will need only timely watering and spraying. Do this with water at room temperature. Do not overmoist the land. To avoid this, it is better to conduct a moderate watering in the morning and evening around the can. If the top layer does not dry out, the procedure should be skipped.

With proper care, a new shoot on the cuttings appears after about 3-4 weeks. After its appearance it is worth every day to temper the plant to fresh air, every day increasing the time spent without a cover. When the plant will already feel good, the flower can be planted on the open ground.

It is allowed to conduct the rooting immediately on the site. For this purpose, a solar section is selected, on which the earth is poured by river sand. The technology of planting and caring for the cuttings themselves does not differ from the above process. If the cuttings of roses from the bouquet fell on autumn, then it is not worthwhile to plant a young bush in the winter, since it will perish. In this case, even garden varieties can be grown at home.

As you can see, it is quite easy to grow a rose from a bud, but not with each one you can do it. After all the flowers delivered to us from abroad, for the increase of the period of preservation are processed by special preserving preparations. As a result, thanks to such processing, it will be very difficult to achieve that such a rose from the bouquet gives an outgrowth. If you want to please someone who likes to root the donated flowers then it is better to buy those that are grown in the local greenhouses.