Planting a tomato in a greenhouse - recommendations for a good harvest

Many prefer to grow plants in the greenhouse, so you can get a crop much earlier than when planting in the open ground. Planting a tomato in a greenhouse should be done according to the rules, otherwise the plants may not take root, or they will develop poorly.

How to prepare a greenhouse for planting a tomato?

Gardeners may have their own secrets of processing premises for growing vegetables and berries, but among the most popular procedures, one can distinguish:

  1. Thanks to the use of sulfur bars, you can clean everything from bacteria and microorganisms. It is best to buy a "Pawn-C", the active substances of which do not remain in the soil and quickly decay. Checkers must be placed all over the area of ​​the greenhouse, but they should not be laid on the ground, but rather on a stone or sheets of metal.
  2. Treatment of the greenhouse before planting tomatoes involves disinfection. Using a sprayer, treat all surfaces with detergent solution. After that, rub on top with a kapron brush, paying special attention to the gaps. Then everything is washed off with clean water. Elements of metal and wood are recommended to be painted with bleach or freshly lime.
  3. Preparation also applies to the soil, which is important to pour abundantly with hot water. To warm up the soil, you can make biofuel.

The correct planting of a tomato in a greenhouse

In preparation for growing seedlings, not only the structure, but also the plants themselves needs. Thanks to a number of procedures, planting tomatoes in a greenhouse and caring for them is greatly simplified.

  1. Experts recommend that the plants be tempered, and it should be done two weeks before the planting. In the room where the seedlings are grown it is necessary to carry out ventilation, so leave the ventilator open even for the night. If the weather is fine, then for hardening it is possible to take out boxes with seedlings on the street for a couple of hours. The fact that tomatoes are well seasoned will be evidenced by the appearance of a purple hue.
  2. Five days prior to transplanting, it is recommended to treat it with a 1% solution of boric acid. This is a good prevention of possible diseases.
  3. A few days before planting a tomato in the greenhouse, it is recommended to cut off the lower leaves of plants. Thanks to this, seedlings will get better and flower brushes will begin to form quickly.

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse - the time frame

To plants have taken root, developed well and fructified, it is important to start working at the right time. Experts advise, to plant seedlings with small time intervals. To the basic information how correctly to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, carry the following facts:

  1. If the landing is made in a room with a glazed covering and additional heating, then the works can be started in late April.
  2. In the absence of heating, but when using film shelter plants, you can carry out the landing in early May.
  3. In other cases, the tomato should be planted in the greenhouse at the end of May. There are different methods that will protect the bushes with a sharp change of weather. For example, you can wrap a greenhouse film in several layers, leaving a couple of centimeters between them. This will slightly increase the temperature and increase the life of the inner layer.

Soil for planting tomatoes in the greenhouse

Of great importance is the preparation of soil in the greenhouse, which must be of high quality and fertile. Tomatoes are demanding plants and they need a slightly alkaline, weakly acidic or neutral earth, which, moreover, must have good air permeability. If you plant a tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, then it is better to use a mixture of part of the turf ground and three parts of peat. In addition, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 25-30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride should be added to the mixture.

How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse?

When the time has come, the seedlings and the greenhouse itself are prepared, you can go directly to planting the plants. There are some tips on how to plant tomatoes in a glasshouse made of polycarbonate, glass and other materials.

  1. Getting started is recommended in the afternoon, when solar activity is reduced and the air is filled with coolness.
  2. It is best to use a chess landing. The distance between rows and bushes depends on what sorts are chosen for planting.
  3. Immediately next to the tomatoes it is recommended to install pegs, to which in the future will tie the plants.
  4. Experienced gardeners believe that the optimal combination of ultra-fast, determinant and tall varieties. Plant them better in two rows in a single stem. Near the window, the determinant plants are placed, then tall, and between them ultra-ripening.
  5. The planting of a tomato in a greenhouse will be different when using overgrown seedlings. In this case it is better to use a separate method of disembarkation. First, a 12 cm deep hole is made, and there is one more in it and its width will depend on the pot with the seedlings. After planting the container with the plant in the second hole, it is immediately covered with earth, but the other must be closed when the seedlings have already taken root. Thanks to this method, growth will not be slowed down, and the flowers will not fall off.

Depth of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse

To seedlings, it is necessary to take into account that the more the depth of planting, the colder the soil will be. Finding at what depth to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is worth pointing out that the depth of 25-30 cm is considered optimal. If the depth of the hole is more than the indicated values, then the roots will begin to develop actively, but the growth of the bush itself will be slowed down.

Density of planting a tomato in a greenhouse

That the bushes could develop freely, and there were no difficulties in harvesting, it is important to know what distance should be between the bushes. It all depends on the chosen variety.

  1. Low-grown species. It is customary to form such plants in several stems and it is better to choose a chess scheme for planting in two rows. Between shrubs should be about 40 cm, and between the rows themselves - 50-60 cm.
  2. Shtambovye species. If you are interested in how far to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, the density can be greater, so the distance between rows is about 50 cm, and between cultures 35-40 cm. Such varieties form in one stem.
  3. Indeterminant species. When using these varieties, the planting is not so thick and between the rows the distance should be about 40 cm, and between the bushes about 70 cm. This way of planting is called "belt-nesting", because 2-3 rows form something similar to the tape.

Caring for tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse

For the first 10 days, the seedlings will survive. If the greenhouse is made of glass, then it is necessary to protect plants from direct sunlight. The required temperature should be maintained at 20-22 ° C. In the early days, watering the seedlings is not recommended. In the instructions, how best to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse, there is another mandatory procedure - airing the plantations. If there is no automatic system, then it is possible to open doors in the greenhouse and create drafts in the heat.

Top dressing of a tomato in a greenhouse after planting

To get a rich harvest, you can not do without fertilizing. Many gardeners use the following scheme:

  1. The best fertilizers for planting a tomato in a greenhouse are phosphoric and potash, and they should be brought in autumn. At first they are simply scattered on the ground, and then, dig through the site.
  2. One day before transplanting, it is recommended to apply a weak solution of manganese and a yeast mixture (10 g per 10 l) to the beds, which should be infused for 24 hours. You need to bring in about 220 g each well. It is also recommended to put 100 grams of ash and eggshell.
  3. After 14 days after planting, under each bush, 1 liter of nitrofosque and mullein mixture is added. At 10 liters take 0.5 liters of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. spoon of fertilizer.
  4. The next feeding is carried out after 10 days and this time the chicken manure is used in the proportion 1:15.
  5. The third top dressing is combined with watering, and the diluted 1:10 manure is taken.

Watering a tomato after planting in a greenhouse

After the planted seedlings it is necessary to watch and when it starts to stretch, watering is performed.

  1. Irrigation can be done every five or seven days. The flow rate should take into account that for each 1 m2 there should be 5-7 liters of liquid. When tomatoes start to bloom, the water norm rises to 12 liters per same area. If the weather is very hot, then the volume increases to 15 liters.
  2. Another point that should be addressed is when to water the tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse, so it's better to do the procedure either in the evening or early in the morning.
  3. The temperature of the liquid must be the same with the ground. Watering is carried out under the root so that water does not fall on the bushes.

With what you can plant tomatoes in the greenhouse?

This is useful information, which is important to consider, since with some cultivars, tomatoes are completely incompatible, and they can die. Many mistakenly combine tomatoes and cucumbers, but this neighborhood is undesirable, because the growing conditions for them are different. Finding out how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, it is worth pointing out that the following plants are good neighbors: early varieties of white cabbage, leaf lettuce, radish, onions, garlic, strawberries, legumes and greens.