Euphorbace bordered

In the mountains of North America, there is a one-year-old plant spurge edifice. In spring this plant with rounded green-gray leaves is not noticeable. But by mid-summer, the milkweed bushes look like an elegant starched lace due to the snow-white border of the bracts. No wonder it is also called "mountain snow," "early snow," and sometimes "bride." The flowers of the milkweed are small and inconspicuous.

This flower is successfully used in workbenches and mixborders, curbs and flower beds as a background on which bright and sometimes incompatible perennials will be clearly visible. Euphorbia bordered perfectly in harmony with yellow, red, orange flowers and green ornamental plants.

Euphorbia fringed - cultivation and care

This flower is completely unpretentious and does not need much care. Its snow-white caps can be found everywhere: on the abandoned beds at bus stops, petrol stations and in other unexpected places. Propagating by self-seeding, spurge will grow on any soil. The only thing that he especially likes is the sunlight.

  1. If you decide to grow spurge fringed on your site, choose for him a sunny place on which this plant will look especially spectacular and beautiful. The flower also grows in the penumbra, however in dark places it will be pale and feeble.
  2. The soil for the milkweed is absolutely suitable, but on fertile soil it, like any other plant, will grow more luxurious. The flower spurge does not like wet, waterlogged places, so avoid landing a high level of groundwater on the site. The plant does not need frequent watering and perfectly tolerates drought. You can fertilize it with organic and mineral top dressing.
  3. Euphorbia fringed is practically not affected by pests and is extremely resistant to diseases . When caring for milk, you should know that its juice is very toxic, so you need to protect your hands and do not let it get on the mucous membranes.

As a home flower other kinds of milkweed are grown, care of which consists in sufficient illumination and very rare watering. To the indoor species are succulents: beige, bluish, globose, Milk spurge and many others.

Reproduction of milkweed bordered

Most often propagate this flower with cuttings and seeds. To propagate the plant vegetatively, cut the cuttings and put them into the water. At this time, the milky juice, which will prevent rooting, will cease to stand out. After this cuttings should be dried at a temperature of about 25 ° and planted in a soil mix consisting of peat and sand. The plant will take root in about three weeks.

To grow milkweed bordered from seeds, they must be sown either late in autumn or early in spring. Approximately in ten days there are shoots. After the appearance of the first real leaflets should be discarded. In the open ground, transplants can only be transferred after the establishment of sufficiently warm weather, since young plants can not stand frosts at all. Since the hives of the fry of the fringe grow sufficiently large, then planting seedlings between plants should be left at least 30 cm.

The spurge breeds also by self-seeding, and the plants that grew in this way are stronger and more durable than those sown manually.

The spurge is fringed very fast and by the end of summer its bushes sometimes reach 80 cm in height. Flowering lasts from the middle of summer to the beginning of frosts.