Than to process cabbage from caterpillars?

With the advent of autumn, crispy sauerkraut appears on our tables and is included in the recipes of many autumn dishes. If you buy cabbage exclusively in the market, then choose a beautiful and clean, green leaf intact. Owners of suburban areas, on the contrary, are trying to grow their own valuable vegetable. And they, looking at perfectly clean sheets, quite naturally wonder why this can be treated with cabbage from caterpillars, so that the crop from its bed is so undamaged. And we must admit that the work will be difficult, because we are for organic vegetables. Therefore, we will study methods and recipes, than to process colored and white cabbage from caterpillars.

Than to process cabbage from caterpillars and slugs without chemistry?

There are quite a few methods that have been used successfully by our grandmothers. Here everything is arranged exclusively on the features of insects, and only natural remedies are used. All these folk recipes we collect in the list:

  1. With slugs, it is not absolutely necessary to fight by spraying or other type of cabbage treatment. Our grandmothers quite successfully used the collection of these pests. Slugs like sweet and will be willing to gather near a cloth soaked in a diluted jam or sweet water. Instead of a rag, some just put plates or trays with a dilute sweet jam. In the morning all pests will be just near the bait and you do not have to lure them.
  2. If sweet slugs are respected, then the mustard can not stand. So, sprinkle sprinkles with mustard powder and thereby scare off slugs. All familiar ammonia alcohol is an excellent assistant in the garden. Take a small bucket and pour into it 40 ml of ammonia. This solution gently poured cabbage right on the head. In a couple of minutes slugs will begin to come out to the surface, and you will re-treat, but this time you will already be harrowing the pest.
  3. If to you everything, than advise to process cabbage from caterpillars, it seems unhealthy, there is a sense simply to water the plantings and weekly to look through the underside of a leaf. It is quite possible to deal with this problem mechanically, namely to collect the hands of the masonry as soon as they appeared. And on the market there is a covering grid, which allows air and sun rays, but does not allow the pest to lay eggs on the sheet. True, this pleasure is worth a lot, so that the cost of cabbage will grow noticeably.
  4. The most popular means, than advise to process cabbage from caterpillars and slugs, certainly фитонастой. Of what it just does not prepare. Here in the course are all the neighbors from the garden - from the potato tops to the flowers of the delphinium. On average, about a kilogram of dried billet is taken on the bucket, then it is insisted on for about a day. Be sure to add soap and process the planting.
  5. And another very popular option, than can be processed cabbage from caterpillars, is the preparation of broths. The tomato tops and bitter pepper are equally good. About a kilogram boil in a small bucket of water, then insist two days.

How can you process cabbage from caterpillars?

When you already see that all the sparing options have clearly suffered fiasco, boldly move to more radical ways. Again, some use chemistry, others try less dangerous drugs.

For example, you can weld lye. Then it is cooled and abundantly watered cabbage heads right on the bed. This is a relatively gentle option. If you are looking for a safe method that is ready, than to treat cabbage from a green caterpillar, try biologics. But here it is necessary to understand that the majority precisely because of their safety for humans will be effective mainly in the early stages of insect development. Bacterial lepidocid (part of many ready-made products) will work provided that you started using it immediately after the appearance of the first settlers, and even at a temperature above 18 ° C.