Alcohol and Diet

If you had time to read more than one dozen descriptions of diets, you probably noticed a common feature - alcohol during a diet, as a rule, is strictly prohibited. Why there is this prohibition, and what will happen if this prohibition is violated, we will analyze in this article.

Why can not alcohol with diets?

In order to decide whether alcohol can be taken with a diet, it is worth turning to the essence of diets. In most of all, all weight loss systems are built on the fact that they limit the amount of calories consumed. Calories are units that indicate how much energy a particular food gives. If the body spends less calories than it does with food, the surplus will invariably accumulate in the form of a fat reserve. If calories come in less than necessary, the body begins to break down the fat to release energy for life.

It is easy to understand how alcohol affects the diet, given that it is an extremely high-calorie product. In addition, it gives empty calories, which do not participate in the metabolism. That is why alcohol and diet are incompatible: you do not eat enough to not get extra calories and to consume fat, and alcohol supplies the body with empty calories and fatty deposits do not split as a result.

What kind of diet can alcohol be?

There is a diet of actors, the essence of which is reduced to the use of a low-calorie diet on days. In some of the days it is prescribed to eat only cheese and drink only dry wine. Nutritionists do not approve of such a diet, considering it dangerous for health.

The leader in calories among alcohol is a sweet liqueur containing up to 350 calories per 100 g. If you use it in small amounts to improve the flavor and taste of dishes, this will not affect the figure in any way.

Alcohol and diet: calorie content

The first thing to do is to give up sweet liqueurs. Not recommended and strong spirits (whiskey, vodka, rum, cognac, gin, brandy, fortified wine). At 100 grams, there are 220-250 calories, which is equal to the fried eggs of two eggs.

The remaining indicators are also not encouraging: in the vermouth 180 kcal, in champagne - 120, in semisweet wine - 100 kcal, and in dry wine - 60-85 kcal. In extreme cases, you can drink a little last drink.

Beer, although it has from 30 to 45 calories per 100 grams, but is drunk in large doses. In a typical half-liter bottle, 150 to 250 calories.