Presentation of the chorion

Many women before the pregnancy and did not know about the existence of the chorion, its meaning and much less about the presentation of the chorion. So, first, let's find out what a chorion is. The chorion is the external embryonic membrane, which, after passing the early stage of the individual development of the fetus, turns into a placenta, fixed by a "large suction cup" with the help of numerous villi in the inner shell of the uterus.

Note that the villous coat - the chorion - performs in the early stages of pregnancy several vital functions for the fetus:

What does the chorion presentation mean?

In order to understand how dangerous the low location of the chorion is, we will determine what this presentation is. So, the presentation of the chorion is a pathology of pregnancy, in which it is located in the lower part of the uterus. Partially or completely, the chorion overlaps the inner pharynx.

The presentation of the chorion is the cause

The reasons for the presentation of the chorion have not been clarified, but some factors affecting the presentation of the pileous chorion are known: uterine myoma, anomalies of the uterus, post-operative scars on the uterus, chronic inflammation of the uterus, chorionic presentation in previous pregnancies, frequent abortions. The presentation of the chorion along the front wall or the presentation of the chorion along the posterior wall may also arise due to polyps or multiple myomas. Therefore, frequent visits to a gynecologist for preventive examinations and a healthy lifestyle will help to avoid problems associated with possible presentation and its consequences during pregnancy.

How dangerous is the presentation of the chorion?

This classification of the presentation of the chorion is accepted. The complete presentation of the chorion is dangerous by completely closing the inner throat of the cervix. It is also called the central presentation of the chorion. Such an arrangement is dangerously severe bleeding due to detachment of the placenta, and for the child at this time is dangerous hypoxia, because of which he can die in a matter of minutes.

Partial presentation of the chorion means that only a part of the internal pharynx is blocked. A low presentation of the chorion means that the chorion does not overlap the inner pharynx, but is located less than 3 cm from it.

During pregnancy, the placenta migrates all the time, so even full placenta previa for childbirth can become normal. The presentation of the chorion is an indication to the caesarean section, natural births in this case are excluded.

Presentation of the chorion - treatment

Treatment of presentation as such does not exist, the main thing is to adhere to preventive measures. The best prevention is a healthy lifestyle and regular visits to a doctor, detection and control of the appearance of myomas and polyps before the onset of pregnancy. If, however, during pregnancy, the presentation of the chorionic villi has been identified, it is necessary to stop sexual relations, minimize physical stresses, exclude stressful situations and limit mental stress, take a vitamin complex for pregnant women and preparations to reduce the tone of the uterus, and iron preparations for the prevention of anemia .

Regular ultrasound can help to monitor the situation qualitatively, and the placenta can safely migrate and secure in a safe place in the third trimester, which will lead to natural childbirth.