How to reduce the stomach and lose weight?

Very often, the process of losing weight is complicated due to improper eating habits and stretched stomach. Increase the volume of this body is unconsciously, but very simply - because of systematic overeating, eating is rare, but a lot, because of large portions, large volumes of drinks (especially during meals). Consider how to reduce the stretched stomach.

Diet, which allows to reduce the stomach

First of all, you need to get away from the habit of eating 2 times a day and a lot, but instead go to the fractional food encouraged by the doctors. The menu for the day is:

  1. Breakfast - 150 grams of cereal (any), half a cup of tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a salad from one apple and 2-3 spoons of yoghurt.
  3. Lunch - 200 g soup with mashed potatoes.
  4. Snack - yogurt or kefir (there is a teaspoon!).
  5. Dinner - a vegetable side dish and a serving (150 g) of chicken, beef or fish.
  6. 1.5 hours before bedtime - a glass of kefir .

You need to put food in small plates, and there is everything that can only be a teaspoon. Enjoy every bit, taste it, concentrate on it. To eat a portion of the dish should go at least 15-20 minutes. Drinking water can only be in between meals (one hour before or one hour after), always in small sips, slowly.

How to reduce the stomach and lose weight?

Getting used to fractional nutrition according to the diet described above, the main thing is not to break down into large amounts of food, so as not to throw yourself back. You can also use exercises that perform to narrow your stomach before you go on a diet.

Consider one of these exercises: lie on your back, bend your knees. Breathe in, while pulling the stomach at the level of the ribs, where the solar plexus. The ribs are clearly visible. Stay in this position, relax. Repeat 5 times. Regular exercise of such an exercise will help to reduce the volume of the stomach.