Sytin's mood for weight loss

It's not a secret that proper motivation is needed for effective weight loss. However, not everyone is able to understand himself and understand why he actually lose weight. Even more difficult to set a goal and not looking back to follow it. It turns out that the effective and tested moods for weight loss already exist and they were invented by Georgy Sytin.

Soviet academician Georgy Sytin worked on creating moods for more than 40 years and for all these years, created more than 20 thousand moods, not only for weight loss, but also attitudes to cure all sorts of diseases, psychological trauma, complexes, etc. The method of psychological moods of Sytin was called the word-shaped, emotionally-strong-willed control of the human condition, that is - SOVEUS. When Russian scientists measured the biological age of Sytin himself, it turned out that at seventy-five, the academician is at the level of 30-40 years. In a word, Sytin's work, though not the elixir of life, but can prolong youth and health completely.

Weight Loss

Set up Sytin for weight loss do not interfere with the work of your psyche, do not "program" you. Having pronounced the correct words in the right rhythm, you give your brain a signal, to do what is necessary for the goal in view. That is, in your inner world, thanks to the mood of Sytin from overeating, creates a certain mood, then it is strengthened and fixed in you. All the words used in the program are kind words that fill you with thoughts of youth, health and beauty.

How were the words chosen?

When Academician Sytin created his moods, he carefully checked every word. To the patients were attached sensors, which projected the image of the slightest changes in brain activity. Thus, the academician chose the most effective words. From each "problem" there is already a ready-made attitude: from excessive excess weight you need a mood of Sytin from obesity, from cancer - the mood of Sytin from cancer, for rejuvenation - respectively, Sytin's mood for rejuvenation, etc.

Correct pronunciation

It is of great importance to mention how correctly to read the mood of Sytin. You can learn the mood, write and read from the paper, or repeat after the audio recording. In any case, you need to actively move (walk) while reading, confidently and without pathos to pronounce, believe in what you say and try to visualize words. The most effective is the audio mood of Sytin for weight loss. You, for example, can listen to it on the road in headphones, or sitting at the computer. But give each word 100% of attention.