How to wash the handle with white clothes?

The question is, how can one wash off the ink of a ballpoint pen, often occurs in office employees or parents of junior schoolchildren. The paste inadvertently flows into the pocket and forms a blue stain, or by chance it can be struck on a light shirt.

How to wash with a white clothes gel or ballpoint pen?

If the ink formed a blob, and you do not know whether it is possible to wash the stain from the handle from the clothes, you need to try a few ways.

Fresh ink contamination should be sprinkled with starch or talc and placed on a napkin. Most of the ink is absorbed into the adsorbent.

The simplest means is sour milk. It is necessary to warm it up and place in the vessel a stain with ball or gel ink. The longer the stain was on the fabric, the longer it would be to soak it in milk. Sometimes milk is painted blue, then it must be replaced with a new one.

With white clothes to remove the ink will help mix the hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in equal proportions. A teaspoon of the solution must be diluted in a glass of water, apply the remedy to the blot with a cotton swab. After a few minutes, wash the product in soapy water.

Wash the stains from the handles will help alcohol or alcohol solution. You can soak the fabric and wait until the blob comes off, then carefully wash your clothes . This procedure can be repeated several times.

A peculiar shredder is the usual hair spray . You need to lay the cloth on a napkin and sprinkle with varnish on the stain from the handle. Then you should wait until it starts to dissolve, and wipe off the contamination gradually with a napkin.

With white clothing, the old stain can be cleaned with bleach or stain remover. It is necessary to put it on the fabric, let it act and wash it.

Sometimes ink helps to remove hydrogen peroxide. It acts as a mild bleach. You can apply a cotton peroxide to the dirt and rub the stain.

Stains from gel ink are more resistant. They can be tried with normal household soap. Apply soap to the stain, soak in warm water and wash under running water.

Ink spots can still be removed with glycerin - a blob is kept for at least an hour in glycerin and then rinsed in salted water.

The turpentine helps to get rid of the ink on the white tissue. The spot needs to be covered with a remedy for a few minutes and wiped with hydrogen peroxide, then the fabric is washed and there are no stains left.

Such folk remedies can solve the problem with ink. Any method will necessarily prove effective and help to solve the problem.