Painting walls in two colors

Painting walls in several colors is a rather difficult task, and the difficulty lies not so much in the actual painting, as in the choice of color and shade.

Choosing a combination of colors when painting walls, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

Painting walls in different colors

With the decision to paint the walls in different colors, you can visually change the perception of the painted room, and the room may seem more spacious or become smaller so that people who are there feel much more comfortable. Choosing shades for painting the walls in two colors, you can stay on options that complement each other. In this case, the room will be calm and cozy. This option is perfect for a bedroom. And the walls of two opposite colors will please bright and cheerful colors in the game rooms . In children's rooms are selected more calm colors, and for the kitchen and dining room - shades that contribute to better appetite.

Walls of different colors can be painted like this: two walls are painted in one color, and two walls - in the other. You can divide the wall into two parts using a horizontal strip and paint the top and bottom half in different colors. Or, to divide the wall by a strip that passes not horizontally, but diagonally. Or paint the walls with stripes of different colors or the same color, but different shades, which will make your interior more elegant. Especially stylish look alternating matte and glossy stripes of the same color.

There are a lot of options, the main thing is that the chosen way of painting the room corresponds to your desires and the functions for which this room is intended. If there are any difficulties, you can ask for help from competent specialists in this field.

When painting walls in two colors, you should approach the issue seriously and competently, carefully choose colors and coloring method until you are sure that the chosen option is the best for you. Do not rush to buy the paint you like in large quantities, first check how it will look in your rooms. Much can change because of the illumination.