Feng Shui to attract love

In our time, the wisdom of not only our people but also many others is available to us. So, for example, it is now popular to use feng shui to attract love - the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing energies through changes in space. In other words, using various items and accessories in your home and knowing the various feng shui zones in the apartments , you will be able to redistribute the energies in such a way that they will intensively nourish the zone of love, which will bring success to your life in this important area.

Feng Shui: the zone of love

According to the science of feng shui, the love sector is located in the southwest of your apartment. Determine where the south-west is, you can either with a compass, or simply by observing the sun, which always rises in the east and sets in the west. Worst of all, if in this zone there is a toilet or a dark littered pantry. In this case, all the beauty will have to be directed there. In some cases, even such a dwelling is recommended to be replaced.

Whatever room is not in the zone of love, first of all it must be cleaned of all items that you have not used for a long time, garbage, dust and trash. Ruthlessly throw away everything that has lost its value to you. All old things carry the energy of the past, so Feng Shui does not welcome not only old unnecessary things, but also antiques. After that, you can do and re-equip the room.

Feng Shui: how to draw love symbols?

After cleaning in the zone of love, it is important to make sure that this room was as bright and attractive as possible. You have to arrange a small corner of dreams here, using the symbols of love of feng shui. These include:

In this zone there should be no images of single people, rectangular objects, any things of blue, green, black.

It is desirable to select images of couples in which a woman is like you, and a man reflects your ideal or your type. Instead of the girl's face, you can even paste your photo. To admire all this follows at least 15-30 minutes a day.

Feng Shui to attract love

In addition to equipping the house, the science of feng shui offers both harmonization of the soul and body. Get rid of old experiences by writing them down on paper and tearing them apart. Repeat this until you feel better. Tune in to the fact that you have no time to grieve over the past: you are preparing for the arrival of a new person in your life, and you think only of it.

Prepare a place for his toothbrush and bathroom accessories, if possible, sleep on one half of the double bed, as if leaving him a place. Buy for yourself a beautiful underwear, clothes - behave as if you already met, and you prinked up, trying to charm your new chosen one.

By the way, the period of active search for men is to wear underwear only of red and pink flowers. They attract in our lives the opposite sex and thrilling, happy love experiences.

Try not to get stuck on the fact that now you have no one. Better think that he is about to appear, and you need to be in time to become the most beautiful, most perfect woman with whom he will remain forever. Be engaged in the appearance, dancing or sports, intellectual development - and be assured, soon all this will be useful to you. After all, when you meet, it's so nice to talk about yourself so much good.