Clinker brick for facade

Clinker bricks are a kind of building and facing material with characteristics that are important in construction, such as strength, environmental friendliness, resistance to high and low temperatures, high decorative and a wide choice of colors and textures.

Pros and cons of finishing the facades with clinker bricks

The main advantages of this finish are:

Designers and architects like to use clinker brick, because it gives expressive appearance to buildings, and a wide range of colors and textures makes it possible to embody a variety of ideas.

The peculiarity of clinker bricks is that over time the facade finished by it does not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, it becomes nicer. The wall does not need to be repaired for many decades. And to update the appearance of the house you can arrange for lighting or wallow the wall with a green carpet of wild grapes.

Among the shortcomings of clinker bricks are its high cost, high density (which entails an impressive weight) and high thermal conductivity, which increases heat loss. To get rid of the last minus, a good layer of heat insulator is laid in the wall between the main wall and the lining, organizing the so-called hinged ventilated facade from clinker bricks.

How is clinker brick made for the facade?

The process of production of clinker bricks is similar in many respects to similar processes of production of conventional ceramic bricks. It is formed from clay mass and subjected to roasting in an oven. The difference is a much higher temperature treatment - 1100-1300 ° C.

The color of the brick largely depends on the composition of the raw materials, as well as on the roasting regime and various additives. Basically, clinker bricks have a smooth surface, although a brick with a textured surface is also produced. A special category of clinker bricks is with a glazed surface. They have practically zero water absorption.

For facing the facade clinker bricks produce articles not only of rectangular shape, but also the so-called shaped bricks, which are laid out with window sills, cornices and other elements of the facade for greater decorativeness.

Subtlety decoration of the facade of the house with clinker bricks

To costly finish paid off by a spectacular and respectable view of the house, you need to even design a facade before the beginning of construction or instruct it to a professional architect. For example, he can advise to achieve harmony to perform a similar brick fence around the site.

Also, you need to decide in advance the color of the bricks and grout, and also to think about the pattern of laying. When the seams of masonry coincide with the color of the brick, the surface of the facade from afar seems completely smooth. With a contrast combination of colors, the pattern of the bricks will be visible.

In addition, the facade is decorated with clinker bricks of different shapes and colors. For example, at the corners of the facade, in the window and doorways, you can make inserts from a shaped or colored brick.

Look good looking or protruding from the plane of the facade areas and patterns with an inverse surface and a contrasting hue. In short, all the tricks are good, if only the house with expensive facing does not look simple.

However, the reverse situation, when the house turns out to be too colorful, is undesirable. And in order to find the very "golden mean", it is recommended to apply to the architect or designer for the project.