Effective exercises for slimming belly and sides

To make the stomach become large, and the sides appear, it is enough to lie down on the couch for several months, eating different cakes and other harmful food. To return to the form and see the beautiful terrain, you have to spend a huge amount of time. There are effective exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, which will allow you to come to your goal. In addition to training, it is important and proper nutrition , so, it is necessary to give up caloric food, preferring vegetables, fruits, milk products and dietary meat.

How to clean a woman's belly and sides?

For starters, a few rules that should be taken into account. Train three times a week and not less than half an hour. Of great importance is the technique of performing exercises, rather than the number of repetitions. Performing effective exercises to remove the stomach, it is important to monitor breathing, so making an effort you need to exhale. It is enough to select 3-4 exercises and include them in the main complex. Repeat each in several approaches, doing 12-15 repetitions each. Begin with a warm-up, for which it is best to use aerobic load, for example, giving preference, running or jumping rope.

Exercise to clean the abdomen and sides:

  1. Twisting . Let's start with the classics, since this exercise loads the press well. To perform it, place yourself on the floor, bending your legs. Hands, bent at the elbows, keep close to your ears. Exhaling, lift the body, making twists. Inhale, return to the FE. It is important to ensure that the back does not bend in the lower back.
  2. "The Pendulum" . This is an effective exercise for weight loss of the abdomen, which will save unattractive sides. Do not stand up from the floor, keep your hands, diluted in the sides, to provide yourself with an extra focus. Raise your legs so that they form a right angle with the torso. Performing twisting, lower your legs alternately, then to the right, then to the left. It is important not to put them on the floor to constantly maintain the load.
  3. "Bicycle" . Known to many exercise gives an excellent load on the muscles of the abdomen. Again, being on the floor, lift your legs to a small height, and bend your arms in the elbows and hold near your head. Press the lower back to concentrate the load solely on the press. Twist, pointing the elbow of one hand to the opposite knee, and then, repeat to the other side. During the exercise, keep your shoulders constantly on weight. Do everything at a fast pace and do not forget to breathe.
  4. Unusual twisting . Without getting off the floor, bend your knees and stretch your arms along the body. Twist in both directions, with the hands tending to the heels.
  5. Side lath . This exercise for a flat stomach is effective, but it is very simple and accessible to everyone. Lie on your side and pull the body out so that it forms a straight line. The hand that is on the bottom is worth bending in the tray. Raise the pelvis so that the body becomes even. Do not bend your legs, neither bend in the back nor hump.
  6. Slopes . Take the dumbbell and hold it over your head. Perform inclinations in both directions, trying to bend as deeply as possible. You can perform other slopes by taking dumbbells in each hand. Keep your hands on the sides and make slopes by moving the dumbbell over your hips down.
  7. Lateral hyperextension . This exercise is suitable for those involved in the gym. The bench should be installed at a slope of 25-45 degrees. Place it on your side, fixing the outer part of the foot under the rollers, and the hips should be on the pillow. Hands can be held behind the head or near the chest, by crossing them. The back should be flat. Go down down to the feeling of stretching, and then, lift the body to the FE.