How to become self-confident in a woman?

Unfortunately, many women suffer from different complexes. Some people consider themselves not beautiful enough, someone has a small chest, someone thinks of themselves as a bad mother or mistress, and someone thinks that she is not too smart. How to become a confident woman and get rid of these obsessive complexes , as well as gain self-confidence? Let's try to break this rather complicated problem into several tasks.

How to become self-confident in a woman?

First of all, try to find the cause of your uncertainty. Perhaps this is the caustic word of a mother or mother-in-law, or maybe an unfortunate former? Do such words really deserve trust, and, perhaps, there is a chance how to become stylish and self-confident more loyal? Perhaps, caustic words, so seriously affecting your self-esteem, really have no basis? Let's make a list of the insults inflicted on you. And formulate a number of refutations. Are you accused of untidiness? List what and when you do around the house. Are you a bad hostess? Write a list of your favorite dishes. Do you think that you are ugly? Visit the make-up artist and make a stunning photo shoot.

Now close your eyes and mentally draw a portrait of a confident person. In many special books, the psychology of man is fully revealed, so they will help to solve the question of how to become self-confident and stop doubting. So, you can imagine a famous person, an acquaintance or just a collective image. Analyze his figure, his characteristic gestures and facial expressions. Stand in front of the mirror, "Try on" this image on yourself. Copy the poses, the expression of the face, the special inclination of the head. To begin with, it is enough to "put on" the suit of a confident person, to make others believe in your success. Pay attention to the posture - the back is even, the chin should look up.

Another important aspect that will tell how to become attractive and at the same time self-confident - never compare yourself to someone else. There will always be someone who will be prettier, smarter, richer or happier. But, firstly, this path does not lead to personal perfection, and, secondly, we see only the outer shell and do not know how much each person is really happy and self-confident.