How to develop visual memory?

Visual memory is a person's psychological function. Psychologists say that it is this type of memory that is most developed in most people. And besides that, visual memory can be developed with the help of various techniques and exercises.

How to develop visual memory by drawing?

Drawing is an excellent exercise for developing visual memory for those who have the appropriate skills. The essence of training is to reproduce as accurately as possible any object. For example, on a walk you can carefully consider an unusual building, and at home - reproduce it on paper. And the next day you can walk again to this building with a picture and check your memory. You can sketch anything - decorations, faces, schemes.

How to improve visual memory with the help of children's games?

"Find the differences . " A very large number of children's games contribute to the development of visual memory. For example, the game "Find Differences". It is to find inconsistencies on two very similar pictures. Playing, a person learns to view the image in more detail, to remember the small nuances. If you often play this game, remembering in ordinary life will improve.

"Open the picture in pairs . " Another useful children's game - "Open the picture in pairs" or memories. For this game you need a large number of pairs of pictures (you can use the cards, but do not consider the suit). The cards must be mixed and arranged in rows with the back side up. Then opens one picture, and then you need to open it a couple. If the pair does not work out, both pictures turn over and continue to play. After several attempts, the player will remember the location of many pictures and quickly open them all in pairs.

"Find what has changed . " And in the game "Find what changed" you can play in an adult company. The driving player must leave the room, and the remaining participants have something to change. For example, rearrange the figurines, remove the vase, etc. The winner is the player who found the change fastest.

How are psychologists advised to train visual memory?

  1. Reading . Normal reading, even without trying to remember anything, significantly improves memory . Psychologists advise reading at least 100 pages a day.
  2. New impressions . Psychologists have proved that the more new visual impressions a person has, the better he memorizes visually. Therefore, they advise to travel more often, to take away new places for themselves, to get acquainted with new people.
  3. Association . To better remember the visual picture, the objects on it need to be associated with something familiar. For example, a tree may look like an animal, and a woman who needs to be remembered is dressed in a dress of the same color as a blouse with a friend.