Plants for office

Modern offices are simply crammed with all sorts of appliances, people watch for hours at the monitors and, without ceasing, talk on the phone. In this situation, there is a catastrophic lack of something "vital", living, real, that would remind of rest, about the house, which would simply create a cozy and tune in to pleasant thoughts. And indoor flowers are this connecting thread between the office and life outside it, that vent that allows for a moment to distract and just admire the true beauty.

How useful are plants for the office?

In addition to a purely aesthetic function leading to a decrease in the level of depression and an increase in the creative thinking of staff, flowers have many more useful properties. For example, which is important in a modern office environment, they purify the air of toxins, absorb tobacco smoke, destroy harmful bacteria, microbes, viruses that are floating in the room. Thus, they increase the productivity and safety of personnel.

In addition, houseplants reduce the ionization of air, protect people from electromagnetic radiation, which emanates from monitors, printers and other equipment with invisible threads and entangles the entire office space.

Also, plants absorb the noise in the room to some extent, so that the employees are reduced nervous tension, fatigue, ceases to torment the headache. As a result, concentration of attention increases and everyone works better and more efficiently.

The best plants for the office

It's time to find out which plants are best for the office. In particular, the most unpretentious plants are of interest, since for office workers this condition is important because of the lack of time for constant care of flowers.

To unpretentious plants, perfectly suitable for "office life" are:

  1. Chlorophytum is a fairly unpretentious plant. At the same time, the flower is an amazing natural filter, which cleans air for days and does not require special care. Refers to the shade loving plants, because it is great for an office where there is no possibility to put flowers on the south side.
  2. Lemon is an excellent solution for the office. The aroma and essential oils emanating from the leaves perfectly compete with stress, increase the efficiency of the personnel.
  3. Dracaena - it can be used as a beautiful outdoor plant for office decoration. An unpretentious plant, which with great success fights with formaldehydes and ammonia in the air.
  4. Geranium - deodorizes and disinfects the air, and emitted essential oils inhibit the spread of bacteria and save offices from seasonal epidemics of influenza and other diseases.
  5. Peperomy is another excellent defender against ARVI and colds. It also protects against depressions, as it actively emits positive energy, creating a complacent attitude in the office.

In addition to these plants, the following are also excellent for office: