Why do the geraniums turn yellow leaves?

This flower brings positive energy into the house, the plant itself can rightly be considered a home medicine chest. But what if the plant suddenly starts to turn yellow or fall off leaves? The causes of yellowness of the leaves of geraniums are different and it is necessary to deal with this problem in different ways.

Causes of yellow leaves in geraniums

Consider the possible causes of such a disease:

  1. Too tight pot. As a rule, the description of the plant indicates that too large a pot is not necessary. In the end, at room geranium leaves turn yellow because of too little space. If you transplant the plant into a more spacious pot, the problem is eliminated.
  2. Another reason why geraniums turn yellow leaves, there may be an incorrect care in winter . Remember that the flower does not tolerate drafts and waterlogging the soil. The temperature of the content should not exceed 12 ° C. Do not put the plant near the battery, where the air is very dry.
  3. Too much moisture. Prepare good drainage before planting. Often, the room geraniums turn yellow due to the overabundance of moisture. If, apart from yellowness, you notice that the lower leaves begin to decay, and the plant itself is sluggish, these are the true signs of waterlogging the soil. Go to a more moderate watering and do not forget to loosen the ground.
  4. Yellow leaves in geraniums may also appear due to the drying of the soil . In this case, the leaves lose their elasticity, they begin to dry from the edge to the center. In the end all the leaves begin to fall off.
  5. Fungus. It happens that the cause, why the geraniums turn yellow leaves, becomes a disease of the plant. Red-brown spots appear on the leaves. If you notice yellow shades on the leaves mixed with brown spots, immediately treat the flower with a Bordeaux liquid.
  6. Yellow leaves can be obtained by overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers . If you overdo it, the plant will only get worse. Always carefully read the instructions on the package, and in summer it is better to feed the flower with fertilizers containing potassium.

Care of leaves of geranium

Always place the flower so that the leaves do not get direct sunlight. In addition, the effect of the draft will have a very negative effect on the plant. The best is geranium in dry and fresh air.

For a flower, it is better to dry the root system a little, rather than to water it. In the summer, focus on the top layer of the soil, and in winter, reduce the watering by half. If the summer is very hot, you can gently wash the leaves with water, without affecting the flowering.

It is better to make a transplant in the spring, not more than once every two to three years. Never take a pot much larger than the old one. This will provoke the growth of the root system, but not foliage. To prevent decay of roots, make sure that there is good drainage.

Diseases of leaves of geranium

In addition to yellowness, the leaves of geranium can be affected by several other diseases: