How to grow a money tree?

Everyone knows the well-known money tree - a fat woman - in the people consider a symbol of wealth and success. And if you want to check whether this statement is true, then first learn how to properly plant and then grow a money tree .

Reproduction of a money tree

Tolstyanika - a plant unpretentious. It multiplies by means of cuttings or even one leaflet. For planting it is necessary to prepare a wide, but shallow pot. Acquire soil for cacti or prepare a soil mixture of leaf and turf, sand and peat, taken in equal parts. To this mixture add birch charcoal or brick crumb.

At the bottom of the pot, put a layer of drainage. Cut cuttings should be dried for a while in the air, and then planted in moistened soil. A pot of seedlings can be covered with a transparent film or an ordinary can to create a well-known greenhouse effect. This shelter should be periodically removed for airing the plant.

If you want to grow a money tree from a leaf, then for a while put it in a glass with water, and then plant in a pot of soil. Although the leaflet can take root and without standing it in water.

Care for the money tree

As the tree grows, it should be turned toward the sun. Then its crown will grow more evenly. The plant loves light, but in summer it should be protected from direct bright sun rays. In winter, a fat woman has a rest period, when it is better to keep it in a cool room. Watering at this time should be limited to give the flower the opportunity to prepare for the spring vegetation.

In summer, water the money tree should be moderated and only by standing water, guarding against overflow. Remember that a fat-bearing woman suffers a drought much more easily than an excess of moisture, which can easily lead to decay of the roots. From time to time, wipe the leaves of the money tree, on which dust accumulates, with a damp cloth.

Plant transplantation will take two to three years.