Money tree - flowering

According to the now fashionable philosophy of Feng Shui, in order to attract prosperity and prosperity, it is necessary to grow a money tree in the house, which is how a tree-tree or cotyledon is called tree-like. Of particular importance are not only thick leaves in shape resembling coins, and flowers themselves, as a symbol of life energy. But many amateur flower growers do not even know if the money tree is flowering at all and how it looks.

In this article we will study the pecularities of the blossoming of the money tree, the reasons why it can not bloom and how to make it do it.

There is a sign that in the house where the money tree will blossom, all the cherished desires will be fulfilled and it is worth preparing a bag for money. But one desire is not enough, it is necessary to know that the fat-bearing tree, since it is a succulent, blooms:

The basic rules of care for a money tree

  1. The toast grows quickly, therefore, as necessary, its growth should be transferred to a larger pot, without disturbing the earthy coma. It is better to transplant in early spring, before the beginning of the period of intensive growth, then the probability of flowering will be greater. For planting it is better to take a substrate of sand, humus and turf (in the ratio 1: 1: 4), it is necessary to make a drainage of expanded clay or brick crumb.
  2. To stimulate flowering in the money tree, it should be all summer and almost until the end of autumn (before frosts) to keep the plant on the street or on the balcony. It is important that it stands in a bright place and as long as possible received daylight, but it is not recommended to hit direct sunlight. And in winter it is necessary to keep it in a room with the lowest temperature, the optimum temperature is 10-15 ° C.
  3. The plant does not tolerate sharp changes in temperature, so you can not bring it from the street immediately into the room: this will have a bad effect on flowering.
  4. Water should be after the full drying of the earth, and not just the top layer. In spring and summer, during the period of active growth, very often (every other day), but not flood, and from the middle of autumn until the beginning of spring, during rest - very rarely (1-2 times a month). During the flowering period, water as often as necessary.
  5. Top dressing should be done only in the summer once a week with a preparation such as Kemira or a special fertilizer for cactus.

And if you follow all the above rules of care, then your grateful plant will certainly please you with its abundant flowering. Flowers of the money tree are very delicate - small (about 1 cm) and have a light color (white, white-pink or white-green), spreading a strong sweet-sugary smell. Blossom usually blossoms for several months, but if it is in a very warm room, the flowering period may be shortened.

How often does the money tree blossom?

The frequency of flowering of the money tree is very difficult to establish, usually at the beginning of life at long intervals (5 years), and then every year, the main thing is to observe the proper care. Most often it blooms in late autumn or in winter, but it can blossom in spring, provided that the regime of rest from September to February, and then put it in a well-lit place. Some growers noticed that their money tree started to bloom after a small drought (about 7-10 days).

Therefore, we wish you to achieve the speedy realization of your dream - the flowering of the money tree, which will surely bring you luck and financial prosperity.