Lawn Care

The most beautiful arranged lawn without care will very quickly become ugly. That the subject of your pride does not become a source of problems, it is necessary to carry out on it certain works for preservation of a healthy grass cover.

How to care for the lawn?

You need patience, skill and consistency. The young lawn does not need to walk, it must be protected from domestic animals. Periodically, you need to arrange a lawn rest. If the patch of grass is frozen or wet, it is necessary to sow the grass. If there was water, then it is necessary to pour the land and level the area.

Seeds are sown by mixing them with peat or earth. Add starter fertilizers to the mixture for lawns. Compact. If moss appears on the lawn, it is necessary to puncture the lawn with forks after 15 cm, so that the compacted turf "breathes". Carry fertilizing the lawn with fertilizer.

Lawn care in winter

It is necessary to take into account that in the winter period, the lawn needs a special care. With the onset of frost, the lawn enters the winter rest period. In the winter, the lawn does not disturb and does not create additional loads for it, so that no bald patches will form on it, which in the spring will have to be restored. On the lawn you can walk when the thickness of the snow cover is not less than 20 cm, this layer of snow will protect the lawn from frost, and in the spring there will be a good water charge. If the lawn does not load in winter, then the frosts do not frighten him. In no event should you fill the skating rink on the lawn! The resulting ice crust must be destroyed, and snow should not be allowed to fall onto the lawn.

Lawn care in the spring

The most important thing in this period is aeration. It is necessary to avoid overmoistening of the soil, the formation of puddles. If possible, make a drain! There should be no movement, they all leave traces on the lawn, especially on the young.

If you notice spots on the lawn, treat it with fungicides. With the onset of heat, it is necessary to carry out fertilizing, and after drying the soil - combing the lawn. If necessary, reseeding is performed.

Caring for a lawn

Caring for a roll lawn should be the same as for an ordinary lawn, only the first time you have to mow the grass a week after laying. Further care for the rolled and sown lawns is the same. It depends on the season and weather conditions and is usually made once every three to seven days. If there are weeds on the site, chemical treatment is necessary. Top dressing for the lawn needs to be done seasonally.

After wintering, to restore the normal grass and remove the layer of turf, it is necessary to clean the rolled lawn with fan rakes. This will stimulate bushing and good growth, after which it is necessary to make additional lawns.