Libexin - analogues

Libexin is an antitussive drug. It has a bronchodilating and anesthetic effect, does not inhibit the processes of respiration and does not cause dependence. But what if this medicine is not available? Do not despair! Libexin (or Libexin Muko) has analogues.

Analog Liebesin - Sinecod

Sinecod is an effective cough medicine. It comes in the form of yeast and syrup. If you do not know what to replace Liebexin, then stop your choice on it, because Sinekod has bronchodilator effect and facilitates breathing when coughing. This drug reduces the central effect of the cough center, so it can be used even with a dry cough.

After taking the Sinecode tablet very quickly absorbed. The effect is achieved in just 1.5 hours. Indications for use of this medication are:

It is impossible to answer unequivocally what is better - Sinecod or Libexin. Their therapeutic effect is approximately the same. But Sinekod has more contraindications. It can not be used to treat a cough with pulmonary bleeding, during pregnancy and children up to 3 years of age. In addition, this drug may cause side effects. It can be various allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, drowsiness and nausea.

Analog Liebexin - Codelac Neo

Kodelak Neo is a cheap analog of Liebesin. This remedy for cough central action. This medicine is not available in the form of tablets. Its action is analogous to Libexin. It has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effect and does not have a significant effect on the respiratory center.

As with other analogues of Liebesin, indications for the use of Codelac Neo syrup are a strong cough of various origins. But you can also use this drug in the preoperative or postoperative period and with whooping cough . Codelac Neo has contraindications. These include the individual intolerance of the active substance of the drug - butamirate, the period of breastfeeding and age up to 3 years.

After applying Kodelak Neo, side effects are very rare. The patient may have nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and rashes. In case of an overdose, drowsiness, impaired coordination and a decrease in blood pressure are possible.