Hypertension - what is it, what are dangerous and how to treat all its types?

Hypertension - what is it? This is one of the most common disorders in the work of the body, in which a steadily increased pressure is observed. The appearance of signs of this problem can indicate that with the health of a person, everything is not in order and it is desirable to carry out a full diagnostic as soon as possible and, if necessary, begin treatment of the cause of hypertension.

Hypertension and hypertension - differences

People who are not familiar with any of these diseases find it difficult to understand the difference between them, but it exists. To understand the issue, you need to find out hypertension - what is it. Medicine does not consider this condition a disease, unlike hypertension, which necessarily indicates health problems. Hypertension is rather a symptom that can appear both in illnesses, and because of emotional overstrain, fatigue, serious physical exertion.

In simple terms, the main difference between the two diagnoses is that hypertension is a pathology that necessarily requires treatment (sometimes very complex and prolonged). Hypertension is a symptom that can appear in different conditions, including in absolutely healthy organisms, because serious therapy with such a pressure increase is not always required.

Causes of hypertension

As practice shows, in most cases the causes of hypertension remain unknown, and it's not strange knowing hypertension - what is it. Very often, the symptoms of the problem appear against the background of another more serious disease. Factors that have to increase the pressure are:

Arterial hypertension - what is it?

This problem is also called hypertension. Hypertension arterial - what is it? Such a diagnosis is made when the patient has high blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure is considered when the tonometer shows a mark of 140/90 or more. Various factors can cause arterial hypertension. As a rule, the old people suffer from the disease, but young people sometimes also have to hear this diagnosis.

Essential hypertension - what is it?

It is accepted to distinguish two main types of the disease:

  1. Benign or slow essential hypertension. There are three different stages that differ in the degree of stability of the increase in pressure, the presence of pathological changes and their severity.
  2. Malignant hypertension is a rare disease, which manifests the first signs at a young age (in some cases, even in childhood).

With that, essential hypertension - what is it, figured out, it's time to get acquainted with the symptoms of the problem. The most common signs of hypertension, except for a stably elevated blood pressure, are considered to be:

Patients should know arterial hypertension, what it is even. At later stages, the symptoms become pronounced and persistent. They add to the deterioration of memory and coordination. Some people have a gait, a weakness in the limbs. In the absence of treatment, the disease will only develop and sooner or later lead to irreversible lesions of vital organs.

Arterial hypertension - clinical recommendations

To begin therapy, it is important to establish what gave increased pressure, symptoms. Treatment varies depending on the degree of hypertension. In mild forms, non-drug therapy may be prescribed. In addition, the patient will have to reconsider his way of life: abandon bad habits, start eating properly, control weight if there are extra pounds or a tendency to obesity.

Arterial hypertension - what is this ailment in severe form, how to treat it? The first thing that is required is to provide the patient with peace and accurately measure the pressure. For the provision of first aid, as a rule, such drugs are used:

Portal hypertension - what is it?

So it is common to call a pathological symptom complex, which manifests itself against the background of increased hydrostatic pressure in the collar vein. Portal hypertension in most cases is associated with a violation of venous blood flow. The first symptoms of the disease are flatulence and unstable stools. Many patients deteriorate appetite, there is a feeling of fullness of the stomach, weakness, fatigue.

A characteristic sign of portal hypertension is bleeding from varicose veins of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. They develop suddenly, are prone to frequent relapses and are very abundant. Because of such bleeding, posthemorrhagic anemia often develops. The problem is accompanied by bloody vomiting, secretion of blood from the rectum.

Portal hypertension - clinical recommendations

Treatment should be comprehensive. Patients should preferably limit daily intake of salt to 3 grams per day, and protein foods - up to 30 grams per day. An effective remedy for increased blood pressure is drugs produced on the basis of pituitary hormones. If varicose veins of the stomach or esophagus are observed, only the operation can help the patient. In particularly difficult cases, a liver transplant is performed.

Pulmonary hypertension - what is it?

This pathological condition is considered threatening. In a conversation about whether pulmonary hypertension, what it is, it is necessary to mention that it causes its persistent increase in pressure in the vascular bed of the pulmonary artery. The problem develops gradually, but with improper treatment or lack of it, it can provoke heart failure, which is fraught with a fatal outcome.

The most common symptoms of pulmonary hypertension are:

Pulmonary hypertension - clinical recommendations

Diagnosis is treated by different methods. Non-pharmacological therapy involves reducing fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day, oxygen saturation for the speedy recovery of all CNS functions, avoiding excessive physical exertion. If you have pulmonary hypertension, specialists strongly do not recommend you to climb to a height of more than 1000 meters.

From medicines in the case of the problem appoint:

Intracranial hypertension - what is it?

With such a pathological condition, as one can guess, the pressure rises inside the skull. Intracranial hypertension leads to jamming of nerve cells, which can not but affect their work. Regardless of what led to increased pressure, the syndrome manifests itself as such signs:

Intracranial hypertension - treatment

Increased intracranial pressure is treated in therapists and neuropathologists. Therapy should begin in time to prevent irreversible consequences, such as memory degradation or orientation in space. The basis of drug treatment - drugs that accelerate the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid and prevent its excessive production. The most popular drugs that can be used to combat intracranial hypertension:

Biliary hypertension - what is it?

This condition is characterized by increased pressure in the biliary tract. Signs of hypertension appear when something prevents a normal outflow of bile. As a consequence - it does not enter the intestine, and harmful components are absorbed into the blood. Such a diagnosis can for a long time not manifest itself and remain unnoticed. One of the main symptoms of biliary hypertension is an increase in the spleen. It is accompanied by general weakness, flatulence, unstable stool, dyspeptic disorders, pain in the right hypochondrium.

In the late stages, hypersplenism can develop. Against this background, some blood elements are destroyed, so the problem is often accompanied by anemia, thrombocytopenia , and leukopenia. A characteristic symptom of biliary hypertension is jaundice. Since the latter has a mechanical origin with this diagnosis, in order to eliminate it, an operation may be required.

Biliary hypertension - treatment

Therapy is selected depending on the cause of the increase in pressure. Patients with cholelithiasis are shown surgical treatment of hypertension. With beskamennoy cholecystitis can cope with medications: antispasmodics, analgesics, and after relieving exacerbation and choleretic preparations. Once the cause is eliminated, the increased pressure will pass by itself.