Gas gangrene

Only the name of this disease causes creepy. Gas gangrene is an unpleasant and dangerous infection. Of course, this is not the most pleasant topic for discussion, but it is necessary to know how the disease looks, what it provokes and how it is cured. After all, like most other diseases, gas gangrene can be safely cured with timely detection.

The main causes and symptoms of gas gangrene

Usually gas gangrene develops with extensive damage to tissues. Most often, the infection develops on the site of gunshot wounds , lacerations, open fractures and other serious injuries. The ingress of particles of earth, clothing, dust into the wound only promotes the spread of harmful bacteria.

The larger the damaged area of ​​the skin and the more polluted, the more favorable the conditions for the development of infection. The most intense gas gangrene develops in damaged muscles.

The causative agents of gangrene are anaerobic microbes, for which the main source of nutrition is the dead skin and muscle particles. It is because of the fact that in the process of vital activity most microbes produce gas, gangrene is called gas. It is important to understand that the causative agent of gas gangrene develops and spreads very quickly, and therefore even a one-day delay can be fatal.

Recognize the gangrene is simple, the disease manifests itself the next day after infection. The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. Increased palpitation and respiration, accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.
  2. There is a sharp increase in body temperature. If the temperature continues to grow - this is a disappointing sign.
  3. The patient is suffering from insomnia.
  4. A person who develops gangrene, behaves too excited. In rare cases, the patient suffers from an overly depressed mood.

The main signs of gas gangrene include general dehydration and impaired renal excretion. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms in time and are late with the beginning of treatment, death may occur within a couple of days.

Transmission and treatment of gas gangrene

Some experts believe that you can cope with gas gangrene using special serums. However, as practice shows, in most cases this method is inefficient. Moreover, there have been cases when after the use of sera the patient's condition only worsened.

That's why only surgical treatment of gas gangrene is really effective. All dead tissue should be carefully removed. Be sure to treat the edges and the bottom of the wound, where the pathogenic microbes could remain. In order for the treatment to be successful, even after surgery, it is necessary to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy.

In the treatment of gas gangrene, health professionals must adhere to all standards of hygiene. The patient is compulsorily isolated. After bandaging, all the bandages are destroyed, and the instrument is sterilized.

Gas gangrene with diabetes mellitus

Gas gangrene may be one of the complications of diabetes mellitus. Excessive amount of glucose in the body sometimes turns into blood vessels. It is for this reason that diabetics need to constantly monitor the level of glucose.

Symptoms of diabetic gangrene look like this:

  1. Tingling in the lower limbs.
  2. Diabetic foot formation. The structure of the foot changes greatly.
  3. With the development of diabetic gangrene, certain areas of the skin on the legs may turn red or take an unnaturally white color.