Fruit shrubs for the garden

No garden can be called fully considered if it lacks fruit bushes. In fact, what kind of garden can be without amber-yellow gooseberries, vitamin currants or fragrant juicy raspberries ? About what fruit bushes worth planting in the country, we'll talk today.

Best fruit shrubs for the garden

So, you have become a happy owner of a summer residence and are starting to plan your possessions. Which fruit and berry bushes must necessarily be in the country? Of course, much depends on personal preferences and the amount of free time for caring for the land. But, nevertheless, we recommend to find a corner for the following plants in the garden:

  1. Raspberries. Tasty and insanely useful raspberries have one important feature - it can grow and bear fruit for a long time without human intervention. In addition, raspberries grow quickly enough, so in a few years you can become the owner of a smart raspberry.
  2. Gooseberry. The record holder for the content of vitamins and trace elements, gooseberries proudly wears the honorary title of "northern grapes". However, gooseberries have a long enough life and easily tolerate all the vagaries of nature, so that for many years to become a vitamin adornment of the garden.
  3. Currant. It does not matter what kind of currant you prefer - red or black, it is so useful and tasty, that in the garden it is necessary to allocate the most honorable place.
  4. Barberry. Of course, with this bush you will have to tinker a bit, but having planted it on the site you can "kill two birds with one stone" - get a beautiful hedge, and delicious aromatic berries.

Compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden

When planning planting, do not forget about the compatibility of fruit bushes and trees in the garden. For example, the apple tree is best planted in the neighborhood of raspberries, so that they protect each other from disease. But gooseberries, black currants, cherries and raspberries should be placed at some distance from each other.