Why yellow cucumber ovaries in the greenhouse?

Any summer resident will tell you that every year the planting of cucumbers is accompanied by some difficulties. That the ovary is not present, then the fruits do not go into growth, and at times the leaves begin to mass yellow and burn. Indeed, cucumbers are a culture with a character, but it is quite possible to adapt to it. This time we will touch on the question of why the ovaries turn yellow, and what measures should be taken in the greenhouse in order to avoid loss of the cucumber crop.

Why do yellow ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse?

Before we proceed to action, let us turn to the list of the most probable causes. This will help not only find the root of your problem, but also prevent this in the coming season:

  1. Pay attention to the characteristics of planted varieties. It is likely that the reason for the cucumbers turning yellow and crumbling is the lack of pollination. Many varieties require artificial pollination and as a result the ovary is weak.
  2. And there are also opposite the variety, which are too actively pollinated, and the plant is not able to bear such a burden.
  3. In the greenhouse, with improper care of the soil, the ovaries of the cucumber turn yellow due to damage by insects or some diseases .
  4. And once again we will touch on the fact that everything needs to be done in accordance with the agricultural technology of culture, the ovary of cucumbers turns yellow and falls often due to violation of the rules of cultivation.

Now that the circle of possible causes is outlined, you can proceed to action.

Ovary of cucumbers turns yellow and falls off - what should I do?

First we will consider the most likely scenario, namely the violation of agricultural technology. It is important to understand that this culture is very demanding on the level of heat and moisture. If the region is cold, even in May there is a probability of freezing of the seedlings. When the temperature drop is close, it is necessary to cover the additional planting with a film. And you can fill the plastic eggplants with warm water and lay them directly on the soil so that its temperature does not go down so much. Then you should remember about the love of cucumber to minerals. Most often, yellowness comes in that greenhouse, where nitrogen is clearly not enough. So, before landing in the greenhouse, you need to feed up the seedlings a little and thus avoid such problems.

When your small yellow ovary cucumbers yellow, you can talk about the lack of pollination. If the varieties are chosen correctly, it means that the system of ventilation of the greenhouse should be reconsidered and the insects returned. The simplest way to process cucumbers so that the ovary does not turn yellow in this situation is ordinary sweetened water. Preparations "Ovary" or "Buton" also give good results. Your goal is to attract insects and get the most qualitative pollination.

Approximate rate of the number of ovaries in cucumbers to 25 in each bush, otherwise they turn yellow and crumble. So "very much good is also bad." If the time does not adjust this point, the ovary can and stay, but the fruits are crooked and yellow.

And, finally, the most unpleasant option is why yellow cucumber ovaries, the appearance of insects or infection of seedlings in the greenhouse. Here the most diverse characteristic for this culture: from fungal to typical for greenhouses. Usually this is typical for too dense planting and poor airing. But the disease always begins with a leaf, so for the prevention should be treated fungicides beds before the appearance of the ovary and thereby protect yourself. And also adjust the humidity and density of landing, so that the problem does not return. When all the above rules and subtleties you will learn to feel on an intuitive level, and comes with experience, the harvest will be plentiful and the ovary healthy and strong.