Swelling of the finger

The swelling of the finger causes considerable inconvenience. Along with swelling and redness, there is pain, and a person with difficulty even performs the usual movements. If you find that your finger is swollen, try to seek medical advice. But if you can not visit a specialist due to any circumstances, try to understand why the edema was formed and act on this basis.

What if the finger on the arm or leg is swollen?

Injury of the hand or foot

Most often, the swelling of the finger results in a trauma resulting from cuts, abrasions, and incorrect cuticle circumcision. In order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in soft tissues, it is necessary to conduct treatment with an antiseptic. When inflammation of tissues, ointments and sprays with disinfectant properties are used. If the process is started, antibacterial therapy may be performed.

Often there is another type of injury - subluxation and dislocation. If the finger on the arm or leg is swollen, aching and noticeable swelling, cyanosis of the skin, then there was a damage to the soft tissues and small capillaries at the site of injury. In this case, the finger should be fixed and use compresses with anesthetic and inflammatory drugs (ointments, gels, and rubbers).

The most difficult type of injury is a fracture . The main signs of a fracture are the unnatural position of the finger and the inability to perform an elementary movement. In this case, you can not do without the help of a specialist. To fix a broken joint in a medical institution, put a tire or a langet.

Inflammation of the joint

It happens that the finger on the leg or arm is swollen for no apparent reason. In addition, all movements of the affected finger are given with difficulty. The reference to the doctor in this case is obligatory! Indeed, the cause of joint inflammation can be such serious diseases as progressive arthritis or arthrosis.