Which laminate to choose?

Laminate , by right, can be considered the most popular at present floor covering. This is due, above all, to a relatively low price compared to parquet or wooden floorboards, and also attracts ease of installation and the choice of virtually any pattern, texture and color of the laminate. In addition, such a floor covering is resistant to fire, mechanical damage and, importantly, hypoallergenic. But before buying a laminate for your home, you should read some recommendations for his choice.

Which laminate to choose for home?

Asking which laminate to choose, note that, depending on the degree of durability and the type of room in which the laminate will be laid, this floor covering is divided into classes. 21, 22 and 23 classes of laminate are recommended for living rooms, and for public premises (cafes, restaurants, libraries, offices), where the load on the floor is much higher - 31, 32, 33 (in some construction hypermarkets, laminate class 34 appeared). But it should be taken into account that the lifetime of the laminate also depends on its class. Now consider the recommendations of manufacturers for the choice of laminate for living spaces. So, what kind of laminate to choose for a bedroom. Since in this room is not so great load on the floor, it is suitable laminate 21-22 class. Also, if there is a problem, which laminate to choose for a nursery, then you can safely apply flooring of this class.

Which laminate to choose for the hallway ? On the floor of the hallway there are loads not only of a mechanical nature, but also of pollution. Therefore, it is recommended to lay laminate class 23.

Which laminate to choose for the hall? Living rooms are considered to be rooms with an average load intensity and for them a laminate of 22 - 23 class will suit.

But to solve the problem, which laminate to choose for the kitchen, should be approached with special care. Kitchen - a room with high humidity. Therefore, the floor covering should have increased resistance to such an environment. Therefore, manufacturers recommend choosing a class of laminate for kitchens, but professional builders, relying on their own experience, prefer a laminate of 32 or even 33 class. In this case, the laminate is laid on the glue, which serves as an additional protection of the joints of the assembly parts of this flooring. In this there is some minus - such a floor, if necessary, can not be disassembled, unlike a laminate with a locking system of laying.

And one more indicator affecting the durability of the floor is the thickness of the laminate plates. Plates (or planks) can have a thickness of 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 mm. For rooms with an intensive load on the floor, as well as a large enough area, it is recommended to choose a laminate with a thickness of 12, at most 10 mm. This laminate is more durable, easier to fit, in addition, it has a higher sound absorption index. An important nuance - waterproof laminate of maximum thickness is recommended to be laid in country houses or cottages. This is due to the fact that a conventional laminate with a temperature difference can creak and even rise. While the water-resistant laminate can withstand the differences from -40 to +50 degrees without problems. Be sure to consider this factor if you are faced with the question of which is better to choose a laminate for a private house or villa.

Colors and shades of laminate

The technology of laminate production allows creating plates of the most diverse textures, colors and shades. Therefore, in the question of what color is better to choose a laminate, be guided, first of all, by your color preferences. But remember, it is desirable that the tone of the laminate coincides with the tone of the doors and furniture. And the most universal, suitable for almost all interiors, is a laminate of slightly dusty shades or in a coffee color scheme.