Wine from cherry plum in the home

Wines are prepared not only from grapes - from various berries and fruits, too, are obtained flavored drinks. For example, it is easy to make a wine from cherry plums at home, its recipe is quite simple.

White plum wine

Tell you how to make wine from cherry plum yellow. Fruits ripen by the middle of July, bright yellow, soft fruits are suitable for wine.



For the wine to succeed, the berries and fruits are only picked, removing twigs, leaves and other debris, damaged and spoiled fruit, cutting off the tails, but they can not be washed categorically, so as not to remove the necessary microorganisms from the skin. Prepared cherry plum is gently pressed (the bones should remain intact) and stacked in a glass container. We add raisins, pour in water (at least 35 degrees) and leave for 2 days in a warm place. The appearance of foam and bubbles on the surface is a sign of the onset of fermentation. When it becomes confident (you can wait another day), carefully express the juice, passing it through the gauze. Bones and skins are thrown away, and sugar is poured into the mash. The amount of sugar will determine the type of wine: the less sweet wine will be drier. We dissolve the sugar, stirring the liquid, then we pour it back into the bottle and build a water lock: we make a hole in the lid, we fix with it plasticine or gum a long flexible hose that is lowered into a container with water (a pot or a pan). We fix it and leave it for a month and a half. The time of primary ripening of wine depends on the temperature and the initial sugar content of the plum. When fermentation is over (the gas does not exit through the hose), gently strain the wine and pour it into smaller containers. Densely cork them and transfer them to a dark dry cool place for another month and a half or two. The wine will mature and get the fortresses. Then it can be served.

Approximately the same way honey honey is made from cherry plums, at home. It is easier to make wine on honey than in industrial, and there is undoubtedly more advantage in such a drink.

Honey wine from red plum



We go over the plum, pour it into the bottle and gently press it. Pour the yeast and pour the water heated to 40 degrees. Stirring and waiting for about a day (covering gauze and tightly tying the neck). Express the wort, squeeze the leftovers. We pour liquid into the bottle, add honey (its quantity too can be more or less - depending on the desired final product). We put on the water seal and wait 40 days. It happens that fermentation does not stop by this time, then transfer the wine to a room where the temperature is lower and wait another couple of days. Next, decant the wine, tightly close it in a glass container and transfer it to a dark place for 2-3 months. After that, the wine from the plum is ready. The drink can be bottled and closed tightly, stored in a cellar.