Purulent mastitis - is treatment possible without surgery?

According to statistics purulent mastitis refers to the widespread infectious diseases of the breast. Almost every woman knows about him. Facing a fair sex with him mainly during lactation. Consider the violation in detail, identify the forms, causes and methods of therapy.

Purulent mastitis - symptoms

To exclude a timely illness and seek the necessary medical care, a woman should know the signs of purulent mastitis. It should be noted that the symptoms of the violation directly depend on the stage of the process: serous, infiltrative, purulent. At the first are marked:

When the disease passes into the stage of infiltration in iron, formation is noted - dense to the touch, which does not cause pain during palpation. A distinctive feature is the absence of clear boundaries, the so-called softening sites. With the increase in symptoms, complication of the lactostasis (violation of the outflow of breast milk), the body temperature rises, - it becomes more than 38, the compaction causes a sense of pain, is formed into a clear formation, in the center of which there is a softened area. In some cases, the formation of several abscesses resembling honeycombs (infiltrative-abscessing form) can be recorded.

Purulent lactational mastitis

Doctors say that such a form of violation, as purulent mastitis, with breastfeeding is fixed more often. In this case, in most cases, the case with him is the first time a woman gave birth to a baby. Among the main reasons for the development of this phenomenon called lactostasis and untimely treatment. The development of the disease is observed 2-3 weeks after the birth. The signs of the disease are:

Non-lactic purulent mastitis

This form of purulent mastitis is characterized by the absence of severe symptomatology, a clinical picture. Thus doctors on a question on how to define a purulent mastitis, answer, that on the foreground there is the most basic disease, - a carbuncle or a furuncle. This also provokes an inflammation of the purulent nature in the gland itself. This form is 4 times less frequent than the lactation form. Provocative factors of its development are:

Chronic purulent mastitis (non-lactative)

This form of disorder, like chronic purulent mastitis, develops as a result of ineffective, local treatment of the disease. The condition and well-being of a woman are satisfactory:

Stages of purulent-inflammatory process with mastitis

Purulent mastitis does not develop simultaneously. Symptoms gradually increase. Doctors distinguish the following stages of the inflammatory process:

The first is noted at the early stages of the formation of the disorder, - begins in 2-4 days from the infection in the gland. First, the woman notes a slight rise in temperature, which is accompanied by a mild soreness in the chest, a feeling of bursting, an increase in volume. Directly so begins acute purulent mastitis. Symptomatic gradually increases, due to breastfeeding or breastfeeding.

After 2-3 days in the chest there is an infiltration - an area of ​​inflammation, with a condensation that has fuzzy boundaries. As progression increases, education increases in size, the condition of a woman worsens. A febrile condition is an indispensable sign of a disorder. Over time, with palpation of the chest, doctors talk about fluctuations, - the presence of pus in the formed area of ​​the inflammation, which is clearly definable. The purulent stage begins.

Purulent mastitis - causes

The lactational form of the disorder, as the name suggests, is formed exclusively during the period of breastfeeding. If everything is clear with this type of disease, then in order to establish why the purulent non-lactational mastitis is constantly inflamed, doctors are compelled to conduct a comprehensive examination. Among the main causes of the disease, it is customary to allocate:

Purulent mastitis - treatment

The therapeutic process of such a disease, as purulent mastitis, can be carried out conservatively or radically. The choice of method of treatment directly depends on the stage of the disorder, the severity of the symptoms, the general condition of the patient, the presence or absence of chronic diseases. After the diagnosis of "acute purulent mastitis", what to do with it the physicians determine on the basis of the survey data obtained. Therapy is based on the use of:

Purulent mastitis is an operation

Operative intervention is the main method of therapy of such inflammatory process. Treatment of purulent mastitis in the late stage is carried out exclusively in this way. Opening of the abscess occurs under general anesthesia. Removal of purulent contents is carried out with a small puncture. In the presence of several lesions at the same time, cavity dissection is necessary, - the surgeon produces several incisions, then rinses the cavities and applies seams. The operation can also be carried out by the method of drainage - the introduction of abscess drainage, suction of pus and subsequent rinsing.

Treatment of purulent mastitis without surgery

It is necessary to say that this variant of therapeutic effect is permissible in the serous stage. When there is a violent clinical picture, with the presence of infiltrative formations, "purulent mastitis" is exposed - treatment without surgery is not feasible. Therapy by taking medications, can be carried out with a lactation form, coupled with lactostasis. In this case, appoint:

Purulent mastitis - treatment with folk remedies

When a woman has purulent mastitis, treatment at home is difficult. At the same time, before applying to the clinic, prescribing therapeutic drugs, you can use folk methods that make it easier to feel well, but do not cure purulent mastitis. Among them are:

  1. Leaves of white cabbage. After washing well, after pouring a sheet of boiling water to let the juice run, apply it to the affected gland. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day, 7 days.
  2. Burdock fresh leaf is used for breast wraps according to the method described above. In addition, the juice of the plant can be used inside - 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day. Treat for 1 week.
  3. Beetroot is rubbed, honey is added. Prepare a mush-like ointment in the proportion of 1 part honey 2 parts root. Use in the form of compresses at night. Do daily, for 14 days.
  4. With camphor oil, the inflamed chest is smeared, slightly massaging movements. Begin to apply with the appearance of symptoms, before they disappear.
  5. The baked onion is mixed with honey: 2 parts of onion 1 part honey. Apply for several hours, 3 times a day, for 1-2 hours. Spend 3-4 days in a row.

Purulent mastitis in breastfeeding - treatment

Disease in lactation is caused by a violation of the outflow of synthesized breast milk. In this case, therapy is reduced to carrying out regular strains. Execute them every 3 hours. At the same time, mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to feed a child with mastitis purulent. When there is an infiltration, the disease is caused by the presence of an infectious focus in the body, giving the baby expressed milk is prohibited. Doctors recommend to translate for artificial feeding. In exceptional cases, it is permissible to use breast milk, which is subjected to temperature treatment.