Chronic cystitis in women - treatment

If the treatment of acute cystitis was carried out untimely and not in full, it can go on into a chronic form. Chronic cystitis resembles acute when it comes to an exacerbation, and treatment aimed only at eradicating acute inflammation without an integrated approach can only provide temporary improvement. And the effective treatment of chronic cystitis depends on its timely diagnosis and best results in an acute process.

Chronic cystitis - symptoms

To suspect chronic cystitis can be by cutting pains in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to urinate, difficulty urinating, change in urine (the appearance of impurities in the mucus, blood or pus). Exacerbations occur more often than twice a year under the influence of factors contributing to the development of inflammation (hypothermia, malfunction of the immune system, the lack of possibility for a long time to empty the overflowing bladder, endocrine disorders).

Preparations for the treatment of chronic cystitis

Treatment of chronic cystitis should be complex. First of all, treatment should be etiopathogenetic - aimed at combating the pathogen and its spread. For this purpose, the treatment of chronic cystitis with broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones (Gatifloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin) is prescribed for up to 10 days. If the sensitivity of the pathogen to another group of antibiotics is revealed, then they are also used for 5-10 days.

As uroantiseptics use preparations of the nitrofuran series (Furagin, Furazolidon, Furadonin) for 5-7 days. In addition to antibiotic therapy, they try to intensify diuresis in order to speed up the washing out of bacteria from the urinary tract. For this purpose, a plentiful drink, a diet that does not contain substances that irritate the mucous membrane, and drugs that reduce pain and cramps in the bladder is recommended.

This includes physical therapy: UHF-therapy for the bladder, electrophoresis on the lower abdomen with nitrofuran group drugs, diadynamic therapy or amplipulse therapy on the urinary bladder, paraffin and mud applications, and at home, an ordinary warmer is used to relieve the spasm.

As restorative drugs, prescribe multivitamins and immunomodulators, antihypoxants (Selcoseryl), antiplatelet agents (Pentoxifylline, Trental), if necessary, to relieve pain and spasm, use antispasmodics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For local treatment, installations (infusions) in the bladder of solutions of antiseptics (Dekasan, Dioxydin, silver nitrate, Protargol , Collargol) are applied , if necessary, antihistamine and hormonal drugs (prednisolone, hydrocortisone) up to 5-7 days.

Chronic cystitis - treatment with folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicine, it is very common to treat chronic cystitis with herbs and herbal remedies that have an anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract. These include broths of chamomile and calendula, tea from dried fruits.

With frequent urge to urinate apply decoctions of hops, dogrose, fennel, melissa, string, motherwort and valerian. For the treatment of painful urges, decoctions of dill, flax and celery seeds, infusions of leaves of clover, thyme, eucalyptus and yarrow are recommended.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs are also used for hot sessile baths with exacerbation of cystitis symptoms. Many of these herbs are part of the pharmacy phyto-tea for the treatment of urinary tract diseases and some medicines, such as Kanefron .