Menopause and pregnancy

Many women believe that menopause and pregnancy are incompatible. But research in this area proves that the conception of a child during this period is by no means a field of fantasy. Let's study in detail the question of whether pregnancy is possible with menopause, and how to distinguish it from the standard disappearance of menstruation in adulthood.

Signs of pregnancy during menopause

If you have an active sex life, then the question of how to recognize pregnancy with menopause is more than relevant for you. To suspect that you are bearing a child, you can by the following symptoms:

  1. If the menstrual periods abruptly cease, but the woman does not feel the so-called "hot flashes", when she sharply throws into heat, sweating and blood pressure increases, it may be time to do the test.
  2. Dizziness, nausea, increased weakness and drowsiness are related to possible signs of pregnancy in menopause, so that when they appear, it is worth to appear to the gynecologist.
  3. Probable messengers that you will soon become a mother in adulthood are frequent urination and a slight increase in temperature to 37 degrees, as well as weak pulling pain in the abdomen.

When menstruation ceased relatively recently, pregnancy with menopause without menstruation may well become a reality. After all, the function of the ovaries for egg production weakens gradually, and it is possible that unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to fertilization. Of course, to recognize exactly what it is - the beginning of menopause or pregnancy, - only a specialist who can recommend taking an HCG test and undergoing an ultrasound examination can do it.

Let's consider one more important question: whether the pregnancy test shows two strips in menopause. The answer is yes. Although hormonal changes in the body during this period, the second band can also appear, but unlike pregnancy, it will be very fuzzy.