Pomegranate juice during pregnancy

It is very useful and rich in vitamins, fruit minerals. But is it worth it to use for future mothers? Will its healing properties be useful to an unborn baby? In the article we will discuss whether it is possible to drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy.

First we will consider what is useful in this drink. Drinking juice, you get a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Without it, it is impossible to build cells, it protects the mother's body from infections. In the grenade there is vitamin A, which is not only responsible for good eyesight. He also takes part in all the basic functions of the body: develops immunity to many diseases, preserves the skin, protects the mucous membranes of blood vessels. Vitamin A helps in the formation of the bones and teeth of the unborn baby.

B vitamins, which are also found in pomegranate juice, contribute to the building of protein in the body, strengthen the nervous and endocrine systems. Regularly taking pomegranate juice, the mother protects herself from rapid fatigue, irritability and bad mood. And this is also a merit of vitamins B.

The fruit of pomegranate is a good natural remedy, because it contains vitamin E. It is extremely important for pregnant women, since it is very important for pregnant women. is a strong antioxidant, protects the cells of the body from destruction, strengthens the walls of the capillaries, prevents cardiovascular problems, etc. To produce energy, heart health, good blood circulation, reduce the level of "negative" cholesterol, etc., vitamin PP will help.

He can prevent migraines, which so often bother future mothers.

Let's consider, what else is useful for pomegranate juice for pregnant women. In this tasty drink there is iodine, which is important for the development of the nervous system of an unborn child. Iodine also prevents premature births and miscarriages. Minerals magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, which the mother can get by drinking pomegranate juice, are necessary for the formation of bone tissue baby. Selenium will provide a good work of the thyroid gland of a woman and will support immunity. Iron helps to spread oxygen from the blood to the tissues.

The benefits of pomegranate juice for pregnant women are not limited to this. It also has a vital for mother and her future child - folacin - a form of folic acid. It protects the fetus from the harmful influence of external factors, strengthens the nervous system, improves hemopoiesis. A lack of folacin in the body can provoke placental detachment, premature birth, the development of various pathologies.

Pomegranate juice during pregnancy will supplement the woman's body with amino acids. Their lack provokes depletion of the body of the mother, anemia, weakness, poor skin and nails condition. This healthy drink contains a huge amount of antioxidants.

As you can see, pomegranate is a real storehouse of useful substances. Therefore, when asked whether pomegranate juice can be pregnant, we respond positively: drink at least every day. But nevertheless, on some recommendations we will stop.

How to drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy?

If the pregnancy is good, then you can drink this drink to cheer yourself up, increase the body's immunity and endurance, prevent the occurrence of toxicosis. As mentioned above, this is a good preventive remedy for many problems associated with bearing a child. If you suffer from weakness of the intestine, anemia, then include the drink in your daily diet.

How much should you drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy? Take half a glass of drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day. If you gain excess weight, then make a day off. Pomegranate juice will help to cope with a feeling of hunger and will provide you and the baby with all the necessary substances. And more importantly, it does not contain sugar. It is also recommended to dilute a pomegranate drink with boiled water, it is useful and tasty to use it with juice from carrots or beets.

Pomegranate juice can cause harm during pregnancy in the early stages. The fact is that it promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the generic activity. But in the beginning of pregnancy to strengthen contractile activity of the uterus is dangerous, because. this can lead to the loss of the child. Contraindicated this fruit and its juice for those mothers who suffer from heartburn, stomach ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis or allergies.

So, we figured out what the benefits of pomegranate juice are, and in which cases it should be used cautiously. Take care of yourself and your future baby!