Fetal CTG is the norm

Cardiotocography is a technique for recording the fetal heartbeat , it is very important for a full assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system and the general condition of the fetus. The CTG method is absolutely harmless, it does not have a negative impact on the child. This technique is used from the 26th week of pregnancy, when the child grows to a sufficient size to fix on his back a sensor of the cardiac monitor through the front abdominal wall. Cardiotocography is indispensable during childbirth, when it is not only necessary to measure the heart rate, but also to determine the intensity of uterine contractions. In our article, we will consider what should the CTG of the fetus be normal?

Indicators of CTG of fetus

The duration of the procedure is about 40-60 minutes, during which the woman is fastened on the stomach sensor, through which the monitor provides information about the heartbeat of the fetus and uterine contractions. The results of CTG of the fetus can be interpreted as follows:

Fetal CTG - Fetal status indicator

To evaluate the cardiotocogram, a 10-point system is used that describes the criteria described above (basal rhythm frequency, fetal heart rate variability (number of waves and their height), desuleration, acceleration and fetal movement). So, let's consider what number of points the following fetal conditions correspond to:

Determination of the fetal status index

Modern cardiotocographs are able to automatically calculate the value of the memory bandwidth. Let's consider how to interpret the results:

Thus, we examined the features of cardiotocography and methods of interpretation of results. Rhythmic heartbeat in the fetus with a reduction frequency of 110-160 beats per minute indicates that the baby is okay.