Stuffed potatoes in the oven

Filling for stuffed potatoes can be any: meat, mushroom, vegetable, etc. You can cook stuffed potatoes in any way you like. Most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed!

Potatoes stuffed with ham



Grate the cheese beforehand on a large grater. Wash tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Ham cut into strips and mix everything. Wash potatoes and cook in a uniform in salted water. Then drain the water, cool and peel it. Cut the potatoes in half and spoon gently remove the potato flesh, leaving the bottom and sides of the potatoes intact. Pulped the pulp into small cubes and mix with the previously prepared filling. Salt, pepper to taste, add mayonnaise and mix well. With the resulting mixture, fill half the potatoes and put them on a baking tray, oiled. Top with cheese and put into the oven for 20 minutes, until the cheese melts.

Stuffed potatoes in foil



Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush. Put in a saucepan with water and cook in a uniform. Then drain and cover.

In the meantime, cook the garlic sauce. For this, take melted butter, add finely chopped dill and chopped garlic clove. Salt and pepper to taste. Put this mixture in the refrigerator for cooling.

Each potato, gently wrap in foil and bake on the grill for 15 minutes. Then unfold it, cut it in half and cool it. Using a teaspoon, take the middle of the potatoes and put them in a bowl. Salt the potatoes and take out the mass. Sprinkle the grooves of the potatoes with garlic sauce and set aside for a while.

Now we will fill the stuffing for baked stuffed potatoes. For this, cut the ham into small cubes, grate the cheese on a large grater, mix with the potato paste and salt. If desired, you can add finely chopped dill greens and black pepper. The resulting stuffing stuff the potato boats, again gently wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 7 minutes.

Stuffed with cheese and ham potatoes ready! When serving, you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs and fresh tomato.

Potatoes stuffed with vegetables



Potatoes in advance well wash and cook in a uniform in salted water. Then, drain the water, let the potatoes cool down and clean. Each potato cut in half and a teaspoon take out the middle.

Next, prepare the vegetable filling for potatoes. To do this, wash the carrots, peel and cut into small cubes. Onion chop half rings, and fry together with carrots in vegetable oil, until golden brown. Transfer the roast into a container, add canned corn without liquid, chopped potato pulp, chopped greens, salt, pepper and mix everything.

Fill potato cups with vegetable filling, top with a little sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover the pan with foil and put the finished potatoes. Bake the dish for about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes. Baked vegetable stuffed potatoes in foil serve hot on the table.