Mother-and-stepmother during pregnancy

Various kinds of medicinal plants, including mother-and-stepmother , are often used by women in pregnancy. So, this herb is widely used in inflammatory processes, for example, with pyelonephritis, which often happens in pregnant women.

Why do pregnant women need a mother-and-stepmother?

The indications for ingestion of mother-and-stepmother are quite numerous. So, this herb is most often used for colds and infectious diseases, accompanied by a dry and exhausting cough. In such situations, various herbal preparations are used, in which it is included. To prepare the broth enough 2-3 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for half an hour.

For the prevention of various infectious diseases, the medicinal properties of the mother-and-stepmother are often used. To do this, prepare a tincture from the grass, which is buried directly into the nasal passages, 8 drops per each.

You can also use the herb in cases where a woman is already sick and her temperature has risen. In such situations, mother-and-stepmother can also be used by pregnant women as part of the next decoction. For its preparation, enough 2 tablespoons of raspberries, to which add 4 tablespoons of freshly dried mother-and-stepmother, 3 spoons of dried, powdered leaves of psyllium and the same amount of oregano. Broth insists half an hour and drink literally every 2-3 hours instead of water.

Also, mother-and-stepmother is often used in gynecology for the preparation of various solutions for douching. So, often this herb is recommended for the treatment of various dysfunctional phenomena of the ovaries, endometritis, endometriosis. However, despite the fact that this is a seemingly harmless herb, it is necessary to consult a doctor before applying it.

Are there any contraindications?

Like all medicines, the leaves of mother-and-stepmother have contraindications to the use. Because this herb in its composition contains many alkaloids, in particular, senecylline, it is necessary to use it with great care. Before you start treatment, it is better to consult your gynecologist once again, which will give good advice. Perhaps in a specific situation, because of the woman's health problems, the use of mother-and-stepmother is strictly prohibited.