Green discharge during pregnancy

During the bearing of the child, the expectant mother with attentiveness should treat her own state of health, monitor changes. This also applies to vaginal discharge, which should be absent during gestation. Normally, there can be marked ungrowth, clear discharge, which have neither color nor smell.

However, sometimes, pregnant women notice the appearance of green discharge during the current pregnancy. Consider the situation in more detail and try to find out what this symptomatology can talk about, whether it always indicates a violation.

Because of what during pregnancy can appear green discharge?

First of all, it should be noted that this often becomes the result of hormonal changes occurring in the body of the future mother. As a result of this, chronic processes in the reproductive system become more acute, which until then have been asymptomatic, did not make themselves felt.

The most common cause of the appearance of white-green, curdled discharge during pregnancy, is candidymycosis. The cause of this disease is fungi of candida, which, when the balance of the vagina changes, begin to multiply actively. In this case, the color of the discharge is mostly white, but it can acquire a yellowish or even green tinge. In this case, a woman is concerned about itching, burning, the appearance of redness, swelling in the vagina.

Dysbiosis can lead to the appearance of green discharge from the vaginal cavity. A distinctive feature in this case is the appearance of an unpleasant smell of fish, which also worries a woman. Allocations in this case have the form of films that peel off. As a rule, treatment is not carried out on short terms.

Green odorless discharge that occurs during pregnancy can indicate an inflammatory process in the reproductive system, which is usually localized in the ovaries, appendages. In this case, there is always an increase in the body temperature of the pregnant woman, a deterioration in overall well-being.

Green discharge of this kind can be noted in the second trimester of pregnancy, and at a later date, with seemingly no reason. Negative smear and test results at the beginning of pregnancy do not indicate that there are no pathogens in the body, they can simply be in an inactive state.

What else can indicate such a symptomatology?

First of all, when such manifestations appear, doctors try to exclude sexual infections. Symptoms may include the following:

  1. Gardnerellez. Most often characterized by gray-white discharge, which often acquire a greenish tinge. A woman complains of a burning sensation, which increases with urination. At the sexual certificate or act there is a dyscomfort and morbid sensations.
  2. Chlamydia. Characterized by a hidden current, in rare cases, there are itching, burning, muddy discharge with a green tint.
  3. Trichomoniasis. There is an appearance of irritation on the walls of the vagina, discharge.
  4. Gonorrhea. It is accompanied by the development of rapid urination, purulent secretions that appear after a while.

As can be seen from the article, there are quite a lot of reasons for explaining the appearance of vaginal discharge in green with expectation of the baby. Therefore, a woman should not wait and think that this phenomenon is temporary and will pass by itself. Applying for qualified help on time, the pregnant woman will be able to avoid the development of complications of gestation, the most formidable of which is the termination of pregnancy. It can happen almost at any time.