Inhalation during pregnancy

Self-medication during pregnancy is very dangerous and extremely undesirable. Even such a simple procedure as inhalation should occur after consultation with the doctor. Because the process itself is not as terrible as the medications that you will use for inhalation.

The state of pregnancy is accompanied by the suppression of immunity, and most future mothers can not avoid a runny nose or cough during this period. Use of medications during pregnancy is highly undesirable, but some folk remedies may be useful.

Cough inhalation during pregnancy

Unlike traditional methods of treatment, inhalations are relatively harmless. During inhalation, there is no additional burden on the internal organs, which is present in traditional treatment. Inhalations carry no danger to the baby.

When the future mother suffers from a severe cough, her breathing becomes difficult, and the lack of oxygen has a very bad effect on the development of the fetus. In addition, the baby constantly shudders at your uninterrupted reflex cough contractions. Especially dangerous pressing cough, which greatly hampers breathing.

From a cough during pregnancy, you can do:

Which solution to use for inhalation depends on the nature of the cough. For example, with a dry cough during pregnancy use inhalation with sage, lime flower or chamomile. Also, with dry cough for inhalation, plantain and St. John's wort are taken. In pregnancy, you can use Lazolvan for inhalations. To do this, use a special solution of Lazolvan, since the use of cough syrup or other forms of the drug is ineffective. Also, during pregnancy, you can do inhalation with Ambrobe - the analog of Lazolvan. In the event that an allergic reaction occurs to some components of the drugs, they can be replaced by one another.

After the done inhalation for an hour, do not go out into the open air, smoke and talk loudly. Also, it is not advisable to drink and eat for an hour, so as not to strain the muscles of the mouth and nose.

Inhalation from a cold in pregnancy

Steam inhalation cleans nasal passages and promotes a better outflow of mucus from the nasal cavity. Resorting to this method of treatment, you need to adhere to the following rules:

Contraindication for inhalation is the threat of miscarriage, elevated body temperature. From a cold in pregnancy make inhalation saline, or sodium chloride-inhalation. Eucalyptus inhalations resolved during pregnancy facilitate breathing.

Adapters for the procedure of inhalation

To make inhalations at home, you can use a large pot or bowl, which poured a solution for inhalation of a certain temperature. You can also cover head with a towel. This is the simplest and most primitive way.

But today there are special devices that are used to conduct this procedure. The first are the simplest - Mahold inhalers. They are used to treat rhinitis and cough with bronchitis, laryngotracheitis and pharyngitis. Also use universal inhalers, in which any solutions or preparations are added.

The most effective device is a nebulizer. Inhalation during pregnancy nebulizer is several times more effective than the above listed devices. Ultrasonic vibrations dilute phlegm and purulent mucus that are formed with sinus or bronchitis.